Fanatec Parent Company Endor Files For Insolvency

Image: Endor AG
One of the biggest sim racing hardware manufacturers is filing for insolvency: Endor AG, the parent company of Fanatec, now took this step. Corsair is out as a strategic investor.

The drama surrounding Fanatec and its parent company Endor AG continues. After its founder Thomas Jackermeier was ousted as CEO earlier this year, the plan was for the company to revitalize itself via the StaRUG procedure, with US hardware giant Corsair acting as a strategic investor to provide bridge financing. Once Endor would be financially stable again, Corsair intended to take over the company.

More recently, rumors about suppliers going on strike appeared, and a Extraordinary General Meeting was authorized to be held by two shareholders by the Local Court of Landshut. The purpose of this meeting, among other things, would be to withdraw confidence form the current Management Board.

According to the latest press release of Endor AG, this led to the original plan not being carried out: "The reason for this was the request by the former CEO and majority shareholder to convene an extraordinary general meeting in order to prevent a reorganisation under the StaRUG without presenting a viable alternative scenario." Currently, Endor is facing liabilities of €95 million, according to the press release.

StaRUG Procedure Fails​

The mention of "the former CEO" points in the direction of Jackermeier being one of the shareholders calling for the Extraordinary General Meeting. However, the ruling in favor of the meeting was not the only reason on the StaRUG plan falling apart, according to the press release:

"At the same time, negotiations with the majority shareholder on a financial reorganisation involving all shareholders have been taking place in recent weeks. However, these negotiations had to be broken off without result due to unrealistic demands."

As a result of these "ongoing disruptions", Corsair decided not to make additional payments. The company has received several design trademarks of Fanatec products as "collateral against the loans", as Corsair told OverTake when queried about the reason for the trademarks changing hands. At the time of writing this article, these trademarks are still with Corsair.


Render of a Porsche Vision GT sim racing wheel included in the patent filing currently owned by Corsair. Image: Fanatec/Corsair/DPMA

Whether or not they stay with the company, Corsair might not be out of the frame entirely after all. The press release informing about the insolvency filing also contains the following paragraph:

"The Management Board is confident that the company will be taken over by an investor in the course of the insolvency proceedings; at the same time, the Management Board assumes that CORSAIR is still interested in acquiring Endor AG."

"Numerous Wrong Decisions In Recent Years"​

The current Management Board also highlighted that it "sees the reasons for the massive corporate crisis in numerous wrong management decisions in recent years. Examples include the oversized construction of the new company headquarters, miscalculated chip and merchandise orders that led to high write-downs and failures to introduce processes and systems worth millions."

Andres Ruff, who succeeded Jackermeier as Endor CEO, adds: "We would like to thank our customers, employees and business partners for their trust and support over the past months. As part of the insolvency proceedings, we will continue the restructuring and work at full speed to reorganise the company. We are confident that we will emerge stronger from this situation and return to a sustainable, profitable growth path."

What changes for sim racers now?​

All business background aside, what does this mean for sim racers? The press release adresses this as well, stating that "business operations will continue." While takeover processes continue in the background, day-to-day operations including "sales and warranty repair services will continue without restriction, and customers will continue to receive driver and software updates."

What are your thoughts on Endor AG filing for bankruptcy? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments below!
About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D


In respect to the Management board being confident "The Management Board is confident that the company will be taken over by an investor in the course of the insolvency proceedings; at the same time, the Management Board assumes that CORSAIR is still interested in acquiring Endor AG." it remains clear that they've been so wrong in the past as to bring about this... situation, their 'confidence' should not be trusted.
Too many companies are thinking too high of themselves and spending what they do not have, it used to work in the past, that old belief that you spend others money to accumulate your own (never spend your own money) but things are changing with the amount of people thinking along those lines, it does indeed make a few people obsenely rich but leaves a sour taste in the mouth for many more.
What do I think? I dunno, but it does remind me to be aware when making purchases in their market.
Well, I've got to hand it to them in that they did innovate the DD space, but the writing's been on the wall for a lot longer than the recent problems. About 2 or 3 years ago when I was looking to go DD I checked Fanatec's website often, but nothing was ever in stock. In the end I took sharp intake of breath and went Simucube, Heusinkveld, and Ascher.

I'm glad I did now.
Happy i just orded a set of Simagic P1000 pedals to begin upgrading my G29 setup
lol... I'm happy with my pedals, it's this dumb G29* wheel that I can't stand.
I have 'at TDC' an amout of play of around 15 degrees of absolutely no feeling so much so that I can move the wheel from left to right with a cigarette paper with that area before the point beyond where the FFB kicks in) but what this means is going up 'say' Kemmel straight I wander across the road trying to get a line, making 'me' an uncertain object for other racers... so yeah I wanna get rid of mine

* this is my second the first (replaced under warrenty) was the same.
People potentially losing their jobs and that is how you respond? Sometimes I really don't get it anymore.
I was going to reply to that post, but I had to stop myself when I realised that the profanity filter would have left my post all but unreadable.

I don't get it either. When I joined RD back in 2019 there was good community spirit amongst the sim racing community as whole, but it seems that since COVID the community has taken a nose dive, and I mean that overall and not just RD.
What are my thoughts about this? Don´t really know aside its a shame to go down for such a major player in our beloved hobby.

Just few month ago i bought new Fanatec base+wheel+..... and i am very happy with the product. So i just hope i will have fun for long time with it, because if something breaks this could become a problem with a insolvent company.
For now i keep calm, enjoy the product and wish "them" an myslef the best :)
I do not see the Fanatec brand dying by any stretch, too recognizable and established a brand with a large existing customer base. I imagine the drama and legalize will continue for some time, but Fanatec will end up in someone's stewardship and with any luck will have better structure when it's all said and done. Likely some rough going in the meantime, cross your fingers and knock on wood you don't need support, repairs or replacement in the meantime. I imagine new sales/customers will fall off substantially in the short term, if I was in the market for a new system and was aware of the current situation, it would be a very hard sale to choose Fanatec with so much instability and so many unknowns.
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I did plan on getting a Fanatec wheel but after a bit of internet research the sheer amount of problems customers seemed to be having getting their orders put me off. I will probably go for a Moza R9 at some point.
Ordered and received my CSL DD just prior to all this. Very happy with the product, but the amount of drama is keeping me off additional purchases for now. Hope the brand will resurface, both for me as a customer and the people working there.
He was the founder, majority owner and CEO. Ran the company into the ground for whatever his reasons were.
And now that he is being forced out, is in the frame of mind of if I cannot get it back, I will do what I can to destroy the company for good.
After such a comment the correct and accepted etiquette would be to collect your coat, and leave.
I did see myself out after commenting, but one line from the article stuck in my head, hence this more OT post:
Currently, Endor is facing liabilities of €95 million, according to the press release.
Firstly, how the bleep does a sim racing company get nearly 100 million euros in debt? Just think about that number for a moment. Not one million, or ten million, but nearly one hundred. million. euros.
Secondly, while no doubt some of that will get written off, and they presumably have assets to balance some of it let's say there's still ten million euros of debt after their restructuring / takeover, someone is going to have to pay that money, and it will be people buying Fanatec gear.
Either they find ways to make the same products but cheaper, and keep the prices the same, or the already steep prices will have to go up.
As a Fanatec user I can only hope for the former, and if that means seeing fewer Fanatec banners around IRL circuits that's fine. I'm good with sim racing being a niche, and I'd rather my gear was made by a company with a sustainable business model than one trying to play with the big boys at the expense of, well, the whole business it would seem.

I'll see myself out (again) now.
Regarding the article's title; Fanatec is an Endor AG brand name, not a subsidiary. It does make a difference here.
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Months I'm waiting to order a new round wheel from Fanatec, time to pull the trigger and order before forniture falls out of stock.
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Yannik Haustein
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