Automobilista 2 May Dev Update Announces Audi, Road Atlanta, Revamped LMDh Hybrid

Images: Reiza Studios
The next step is not too far away, and it looks to be a good one: Reiza Studios have released their May Dev Update for Automobilista 2 ahead of v1.6, highlighting numerous exciting additions to the Brazilian sim.

Automobilista 2 v1.6 is set to be the next milestone update, as developer Reiza Studios put it. Their Formula Ultimate Gen 2 and 2024 Stock Car Pro Series vehicles have already had a teaser for the upcoming changes to the tire model on board, but there will be much more to come, as the Automobilista 2 May Dev Update reveals.

First things first: IMSA content. Reiza announced the partnership with the premier endurance series in North America in March, with content set to follow later. Three GTP and four GT3 cars that are raced in the series were already added in late December as part of the Endurance Pack Pt. 1. Soon, they will get more appropriate playgrounds as well.


Road Atlanta & Audi Join The Fray​

Road Atlanta is the first of the new IMSA tracks confirmed in the Dev Update. The site of the Petit Le Mans is set to arrive in v1.6, with two further tracks (Sebring, Mosport and Detroit are still missing to form a full calendar) to be added to make an IMSA track pack, estimated to sell for $14.99.

Furthermore, Reiza announces the addition of "at least seven new premium car brands", as the Dev Update puts it. The first of them to be confirmed is Audi - the Ingolstadt-based manufacturer will see three of its cars being added to AMS2. The other manufacturers are mostly the result of the IMSA partnership Reiza announced in March, but they are also set to round out other existing classes.

Back to Audi, though. The Audi R8 LMS GT3 will be available in two versions across the two GT3 generations, meaning the Evo II variant is going to slot into GT3 Gen 2 class. Meanwhile, fans of the classic DTM era of the early 1990s will be pleased to see the Audi Quattro V8 join the German Group A class, finally giving the BMW M3 (E30) and Mercedes 190E some much-needed competition. The car - like the older R8 GT3 - will be a free addition to the base game.


Reworked LMDh Hybrid System​

Under the hood of AMS2 and in anticipation of more entries into the LMDh class, the hybrid model for the prototypes will be updated once version 1.6 rolls around. Thus far, it worked more like the ERS system in Formula 1, adding power over the top of the combustion engine’s output to increase the total power output. As we have highlighted in our Le Mans Ultimate hybrid guide, this is not how it works in the current breed of prototypes, however.

Instead, the hybrid “replaces” part of the combustion engine’s power, meaning higher hybrid output leads to less fuel consumption. The system is set to be modeled correctly in AMS2 as well in the milestone update. And: electric launches in pit lane, a fan favorite in the Cadillac V-Series.R and its enormous V8 in particular, will also be on board accordingly.

Automobilista 2 v1.6: Revised Physics​

As mentioned, version 1.6 will see an extensive physics revision again, particularly regarding the tires. "There were still some SETA breakthroughs for our physics devs to crack, and as it turns out it heavily relates to a common feedback we've been receiveng from real drivers and hardcore users alike - that AMS2 tires still seem relatively forgiving and tolerant of over-driving", writes Reiza Founder and Lead Developer Renato Simioni in the Dev Update.

This will be remedied in v1.6 and further sub-versions, mostly due to the so-called tire hysteresis. Simioni explains this as follows: "To briefly recap, hysteresis is the loss of energy through tire distortion, and its modelling determines how deep a specific rubber compound can sink into the asperities of the track surface, and thus sustain peak adhesion for longer."

The three cars that already featured revisions of this kind in v1.5 will see further revisions in 1.6, while the rest of the AMS2 car roster will be brought up to standard with these revisions as well.


Flat Spots, Wear & Smoke Particles​

All this also ties into how tires wear, degrade and accumulate damage like flat spots. Automobilista 2 v1.6 will introduce visible wear and flat spots, which should be particularly interesting on open-wheel cars. Lock-ups will now be influenced by the surface they occur on, the load the tire has to endure at that time, and also the compound of rubber used.

Apart from the results being visible, the lock-ups themselves are going to be a bit more spectacular as well. Improved particle effects should result in more believable smoke not just when locking up the brakes, but also for engine failures, as a preview video shows.

Other cosmetic improvements include more detailed windshields, which now feature "a cohesive level of tint and reflections", as well as "varying levels of visible scratches and even fingerprints." Nobody said that racing was a very clean affair, after all.

Additionally, working pit lights make their way into Automobilista 2 once the update is deployed, indicating whether the pits are open or closed, as well as flashing a blue light to signal traffic coming up at pit exit.

Players will have to have some more patience until they get to try these improvements themselves, however. As the Dev Update features "The Road to V1.6 PT1" as its subtitle, a second part is set to follow ahead of the update's release. Part 2 of the Dev Update, which will cover AI improvements, among other things, should be out "at some point in late June, according to Simioni.

What are your favorite improvements mentioned in the Automobilista 2 May Dev Update? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments below!
About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D


Have to say sadly, I'm with you on this. Worst value games/dlc packages I've owned, because I've hated driving it and it's spent most of its life uninstalled. I owned all of their previous offerings too. I may give it one final reinstall when the update lands, and try the 3 series BMW's again.

Sadly I had the same hope before, and did the download/new version install and felt the same about the physics afterwards. I'm as happy just to wait for AC-Evo and stick with iRacing, so I'm torn tbh.
wow, I have not felt this way about AMS2 at all since the FFB upates available and proper settings in the game took away the slide feel, as well as the game code updates improvements from Reiza, the fact that there are such dislikers of AMS2 shows how spoiled we have become, my 2 cents is that it has become a very good SIM and is getting better all the time, can't imagine not having it available to drive, to each his own...



What modern sim hasn't had physics changes over its lifetime? Both AC, and iRacing have changed their tire physics multiple times. AC is on tire model version 10. ACC has had multiple physics patches since it release and so has Raceroom. You would think that people would be happy that Reiza are trying to improve their sim. I guess not since you feel the need to scream at us in all caps.
I care in this way:

Say like if a slice of people that had brought a particular real car started to complain about it endlessly about any number of things but you love yours.
It would certainly affect sales and revenue which could then affect you.

You complain you complain to the source in private not blurt it out all over social media over and over unless something is dangerous.

Public pressure will lead to a better product always...

Keeping it private and quiet can lead to massive issues being swept under the rug for years...

Talking about it openly takes it from being denied and ignored and makes the changes happen as more people chime in and show it's not one person... Like the slip angle issues in the SETA over the years...

At the end of the day if you're passionate about a product enough to point out it's flaws it's in order to improve it, it is a positive thing...

And in a case like this that there's art involved in the process, a lot of the world's best art is born out of negativity...

If you have negative feelings say your piece once and be done.
Like most things in life.
It's usually the one that complains first ends up with worse end of the stick.
Simply because mostly people want to feel happy, not dragged down by negativity.

Those who don't want to be dragged down by reality need to steer clear of comment sections where people's opinions are asked of them... There's always going to be a negative no matter how positive you feel about something...

Doesn't matter the sim, if you want positivity only that's your choice to make... Hell it doesn't matter the topic... Comment sections aren't for those who don't want to be dragged down by negativity...

The reason 95% of threads go down that same old spiral is because of those defending their favourite sim and asking the same old tired questions of those who aren't...

No one here has driven all of these cars, but those that did were supposedly highly trained and highly skilled professionals that were lauded for their abilities over other highly skilled and trained professionals... A lot of people like to have respect for those professionals and a lot of us have driven karts and lower end categories to understand that spins in certain situations must happen...

And given the endless evidence available over the years that these cars in real life are all kinds of tricky when driven to the edge of their performance or not being in their sweet spot for those professionals. Simulating that you shouldn't be able to just ride defaults with set ups and feel like you are the next Senna as you go from track to track and car to car...
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New cars and new race tracks are always welcome.
Nothing against the conversions, but if you put aside the praise, they all have their big and small cracks in the facade. Either the AI doesn't come out of the box properly, track limit warnings are popping up like mushrooms, the clutch isn't converted properly or isn't there, gears can only be changed using the paddles instead of the gear lever, the categorization doesn't fit into the game structure, e.g. DTM etc.
I'd rather spend the cost of half a McD menu on a decent overall package.
Then I know that it doesn't contain any errors.
Mods are free, I know, and I like to try them out with enthusiasm, but that's it. If a mod has a problem, no matter how small, I uninstall it. I have no desire to have any more rubbish on my hard drive than scrap in a scrap yard in Karachi. AC is a sad leader in this regard.
108375461784326 vehicles but only one is really useful.
For those who don't notice. This was an exaggeration.
As for the visible change in the tire surface.
Nice feature, but do visible brake flats occur when the wheel is stationary?
Does the steering wheel shake more and more quickly depending on the speed when I drive with a brake flat?Does the tire often stop in exactly this place during a braking maneuver?
That interests me much more than the hornet's nest that forms on the tree in turn 8 in Monaco during the race.
The soiling of the windshield or visor is a good step in the right direction because as a driver I am directly affected by it. I still don't understand why this little gimmick has only been available in GTL or GTR2 so far.
Or I didn't notice it because I don't buy every Beta, Gamma or Zeta version just because there is a racing tire on the cover picture.
Showing the interior of the vehicle in the rear-view mirrors can't be that difficult either.
GTL, GTR2, RFactor and AC have it and it doesn't cost a single extra frame.
Another thing that directly affects me as a driver.
Mirrors on an F1 car are small and if the rear tire is visible, it realistically limits the view to the rear.
I can do without cosmetic nonsense if it has no effect on me as a driver.
Keyword bees circling flowers on the race track.
Of course I understand the video and screenshot faction. Racing games are of course more effective for this hobby than driving to the race track with a good camera including a telephoto lens, taking 100,000,000 photos to maybe get a single usable one.
But this are racing games and not training programs for budding hobby artists who just want to polish up their stunted little egos and beg for recognition and attention.
Keyword Starfield.
"You can now have your character wave at the camera in a single player game when you're in camera mode"
Useless, pointless, just a waste of resources for absolutely nothing that is really important to the game.
This applies to all games.
Unfortunately, pressing the print button is no longer enough to get a screenshot that everyone can reproduce.
For whatever reason.
Have a nice Sunday and let’s wait for the race on the Nordschleife to continue.

Yeah you lost me mate.
Sounds like your Barbie world, not mine :D
What you quote and what you infer I think about other things it's not the same thing.
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All this content is very good, but this game needs an online ranking system that is worthwhile and worthy, it is a shame that games like Gran Turismo or Forza have more players than Automobilista
I hate their announcements. Just update! Noone needs these announcements.

Reizas AMS2 is very much overrated and they always find a revolutionizing FFB update which will be implemented "soon"... I liked the game in the beginning for what it was trying to do. But they are still trying years after release.

Reiza is a paid PC2 modding community.
I hate their announcements. Just update! Noone needs these announcements.

Reizas AMS2 is very much overrated and they always find a revolutionizing FFB update which will be implemented "soon"... I liked the game in the beginning for what it was trying to do. But they are still trying years after release.

Reiza is a paid PC2 modding community.
no one needs this announcement? How funny are you... you probably speak for yourself
no one needs this announcement? How funny are you... you probably speak for yourself
I believe he is only looking at updates from the perspective of a current owner. Sure, just wake up and let Steam push thru the latest update. He can read about it then. But Reiza, or any company for that matter, doesn't produce public announcements only for the benefit of current owners. They are looking to to keep interest high with the user base, to be sure, but they also want to attract new $$ from new purchasers. The announcement's real purpose is trying to grab eyeballs from those sim racers who haven't considered AMS2 yet.
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Have to say sadly, I'm with you on this. Worst value games/dlc packages I've owned, because I've hated driving it and it's spent most of its life uninstalled. I owned all of their previous offerings too. I may give it one final reinstall when the update lands, and try the 3 series BMW's again.

Sadly I had the same hope before, and did the download/new version install and felt the same about the physics afterwards. I'm as happy just to wait for AC-Evo and stick with iRacing, so I'm torn tbh.
I'll try to set your expectations with what I am experiencing in the beta (not revealing any secrets or anything but just an honest view of how it feels.)

The cars are noticeably more realistic and some nagging behaviors have been much improved. You can no longer late brake into a corner and have magic physics save you. Cold tires are now an actual consideration as well. The game isn't going to be like iRacing and Rfactor 2 where the cars seem a bit unrealistically slidey under the limit so if you are used to that type of behavior you may be disappointed. Overall AMS2 is now still a bit more grippy than the other 2, but in a way that is still believable. While driving at the limit, the game is closer to iRacing where you have unsaveable moments.

I would say that if you hated it before and haven't noticed improvements with the other major updates, this update is unlikely to swing you. If you have recognized the improvements from the other updates, this could be the one that puts the game in a state it stays on your HD.

Yeah you lost me mate.
Sounds like your Barbie world, not mine

Nah you've got it back to front, wanting everything to be positive is your Barbie ideal... If you want that you don't go to comment sections like this one...

If you have negative feelings say your piece once and be done.

Telling the negative that in any conversation in a open forum like this is the Barbie ideal... One that isn't possible because of the way that the defenders quote any negativity and call it wrong... So those who have been negative will get pings, which are an invite to continue the conversation...

It's something that happens when there's a large variety of opinions on the one site... No matter the subject material... Unless you go to the specific fan sites, positive only conversations aren't going to be the way it works...

Ignoring the negative views has led to a lot of issues globally on many fronts, I understand most people want to feel happy about things, but that's shown to be hindering our development as a species on many fronts... In business terms it's known as the "yes men" effect that has led to many failed businesses, as the positive only thinking didn't fix problems which led to the demise of the business...

In sim racing that kind of attitude hinders the development as the developers get only positive reactions to their products and go down rabbit holes thinking they've done something right because the always positive mindset of those commenting... If everything is perfect they move on to more content and don't fix the problems and that leads to a far worse end product... Take NASCAR Ignition as an example of too much positivity not enough negativity, same with the pCARS franchise...

It's a niche industry but there's enough for room for buggy and broken games like those to make money and keep developers developing... One failed and the company is now trying to fix it's ways after years of not listening to the negative voices, the other made a lot of money by selling the idea that "easy is realistic for a race car, the other sims have it wrong" and managed to pave over a lot of it's problems within it's growing fanbase... However it never reached the heights it had the potential to within it's original plan...

Both developers are still developing new projects, so even though sales were effected the room for the next big thing is large enough that many developers are having a go at it now, negativity isn't going to do anything but help them fix things for the consumers... And MSGS wouldn't be in as bad of shape if it didn't buy into the COVID boom as deeply as it did... The yes men effect hard at work there...

What you quote and what you infer I think about other things it's not the same thing.

If your original post was sarcasm aimed at those one sim types who do nothing but praise and defend their favourite sims, then that went over my head as I often need a sarcasm sign... :roflmao:

You did however allow me a way in to rant on a subject that I feel has been warranted for a while, so cheers!... :roflmao:
I believe he is only looking at updates from the perspective of a current owner. Sure, just wake up and let Steam push thru the latest update. He can read about it then. But Reiza, or any company for that matter, doesn't produce public announcements only for the benefit of current owners. They are looking to to keep interest high with the user base, to be sure, but they also want to attract new $$ from new purchasers. The announcement's real purpose is trying to grab eyeballs from those sim racers who haven't considered AMS2 yet.
And what is the problem with that?
I'll try to set your expectations with what I am experiencing in the beta (not revealing any secrets or anything but just an honest view of how it feels.)

The cars are noticeably more realistic and some nagging behaviors have been much improved. You can no longer late brake into a corner and have magic physics save you. Cold tires are now an actual consideration as well. The game isn't going to be like iRacing and Rfactor 2 where the cars seem a bit unrealistically slidey under the limit so if you are used to that type of behavior you may be disappointed. Overall AMS2 is now still a bit more grippy than the other 2, but in a way that is still believable. While driving at the limit, the game is closer to iRacing where you have unsaveable moments.

I would say that if you hated it before and haven't noticed improvements with the other major updates, this update is unlikely to swing you. If you have recognized the improvements from the other updates, this could be the one that puts the game in a state it stays on your HD.
I can't try the beta currently but these improvements seem exciting. I personnally have difficulties with rfactor2's slidy side, as I can get confident with a car and, at one point or another, it slides for unknown reasons (maybe it's me.overheating the tires after a few laps?) alrhough I haven't pushed the car more. It is more obvious in the ckassic F1 cars in general that I don't enjiy at all (a.d I enjoy these cars in.any other sim). So what you state about AMS2's improvements may be what I'm expected. I'm looking forward to trying hat in 2 weeks!

EDIT : looking forward to trying DWD dirt oval mods for rfactor 2 too. Which makes me remember these cars had been previously, long time ago, told to be a future possibility in AMS2.
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