2017 Season Mod

2017 Season Mod 2.1.1 China 2017

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excellent Mod, you're the best ... but every time I install an update of the mod, I have to restart my career from 0 :(
excellent, again and again. Keep it up my friend ;)
WOW, AMAZING JOB !!! Thanks for this mate, I'm really enjoying and having fun with this one !!!
the mod didn't work for me . unzip the right folder but didn't work what i'm doing wrong ?
Thank you for this mod! amazing work!!!
Great mod! Well done! But... Why the IA has more straightline speed? (Sorry for my english, I'm spanish xDD)
Hi there, great MOD dude! You have a great job. Well done!
Anw, in the your facebook page, the manor team uniform is already got the new one (grey color), so why its still using marusia uniform (red n white) when i play the game in the last mod (sing 1.14) ? thanks for the answer anw :]
It hasn't been updated
What a nice Idea with the front cover. Now really 28 tracks in. Where I found the tracks. I will mod san marino and estoril.
Great work, really good updates, outstanding job.
Hard work, a lot of effort and always keeping it up to date, thank you
Excellent work like always! I hope you continuos work for next season. ;-)
Po raz kolejny super!!! Mam tylko jeden problem i nie wiem, jak go rozwiązać: gdy wybieram sezon i do chodzi do wyboru torów, to gdy wybierze się pełny kalendarz na 2016 rok, pojawia się zła kolejność (pierwszy est meksyk (korea), dalej bodajże azerbejdżan. Nie można ręcznie zmienić kolejności, bo nie widać torów z końca kalendarza (brazylia itd.) Poproszę o rozwiązanie. Pozdrawiam!
jest to normalne, ponieważ tor jest oznaczony w kalendarzu na 0 - tor nie jest uwzględniony w karierze i jest jako pierwszy ponieważ 0 < 1 - toru w australii
mod is excellent but the last time I played I was able to get to 19 races and then we did not want to switch to the season 2 any fix for this? and sry for ban english.
errors and departures. no fixes and in pomine was
One question for you : have you ever rated something different more than 1 star?
Thank you for your hard work. It is working now and the handling of the cars and ballancing is that what I want. THANXXXXSSS. :)
look good
Excellent mod for those people who do not have the required system specs for F1 2016. Still, room to improve but, as you know, you can always improve. Keep working on this mate and the self-satisfaction you will have will be unbelievable. I hope there is a special place in heaven for guys like you!
Excellent mod !
Good job! Well done!
Thank you. Sorry for mess. I will correct it soon