Zolder Setups (DRY) - Master Thread

I think the OP put them there as placeholders but hasnt updated their initial post, so you're just left with the setups attached to individual posts throughout the thread (that still work).
I've managed 1.28s with it, turns in better than stock. Change the TC to suit your pedals/driving-style.

Its also a decent setup for Brands Hatch.

Good Luck!
Hello, I can download the SETUP in this reply post normally. I ca n’t select the download from the SETUP LINKS on the first floor of the main post. How can I download it?
I do n’t speak English, so please use Google Translate.
Thank you
hi guys can you help me i downloaded some setup file .json but i can t use it because i see only bentley and huracan file, i dont see other cars files.
when i save a setup i can see it in a game but i cant see the folder to overwrite my downloaded setup file

can you help me, thanks
[QUOTE = "Jimlaad43, post: 2950775, membro: 12419"]
[ATTACH = full] 300610 [/ ATTACH] Angoli a media velocità, chicane e cordoli aggressivi Mostra questo circuito del Grand Prix in Belgio. Riesci a trovare il miglior compromesso per massimizzare il tempo sul giro?

Questo thread deve essere usato per condividere e discutere le impostazioni per tutte le auto intorno a Zolder. L'uso dei thread principali aiuta a mantenere pulito il forum secondario e renderà molto semplice la ricerca di l'assistenza per ogni traccia. Il file di installazione può essere allegato a qualsiasi post, si prega di utilizzare la funzione Allega un file, insieme al modello seguente se si intende caricare un'installazione.

Sessione: (Qualificazioni, Hotlap, Gara, All-round ecc.)
Tempo sul giro: (se pertinente, facoltativo)

Sentiti libero di aggiungere spiegazioni sotto questo modello, spiegando il tuo processo di pensiero nel progettare, qual era l'aggiornamento e qualsiasi consiglio su come guidare.

Questo thread non è solo per la pubblicazione di l'assistenza, se vuoi discutere idee e qualcos'altro da fare con la diversa velocità dell'auto intorno al circuito, ti dice di farlo in questo thread.

Cercherò di tenermi aggiornato con il post nella discussione e collegherò alcune delle migliori aggiunte in questo post in basso.

[SPOILER = "Come fornito le l'assistenza"]
Scarica e salva il file di installazione, che dovrebbe essere di tipo ".json".
Passare a <UTENTE> \ Documenti \ Assetto Corsa Competizione \ Impostazioni \ <Nome auto> \ <Nome traccia>
Spostare il file .son di installazione nella cartella.
Caricalo nel gioco, nella finestra di configurazione.

Collegamenti di installazione
Bentley Continental (2015)


Emil Frey Jaguar GT3

Ferrari 488 GT3

Lamborghini Huracán GT3

Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 (2015)

Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 (2018)

[/ CITAZIONE] installa lamborghini huracane per favore!

grazie e buona giornata a tutti
hi guys can you help me i downloaded some setup file .json but i can t use it because i see only bentley and huracan file, i dont see other cars files.
when i save a setup i can see it in a game but i cant see the folder to overwrite my downloaded setup file

can you help me, thanks

If you are on Windows 10 you can find the setup folders at: [USER] > Documents > Asseto Corsa Competizione > Setups

Here you will find a list of folders named after the car models, within each car folder are several track folders where you place your setups. If you dont see the car/track folders then go into game in the car/track you want and save the default setup - this will create the folders for you, then you can go back into windows explorer to copy your downloaded JSON setups into their relevant folder.
Last edited:
Current Setups in this Thread - since the Original Post (OP) hasnt been updated:



There were more setups but they've been removed, maybe because they were from older versions of the game (incompatible now) or maybe the author removed them or left the forums.
View attachment 300610 Medium speed corners, chicanes and aggressive kerbs characterise this former Grand Prix circuit in Belgium. Can you find the best compromise to maximise laptime?

This thread is to be used to share and discuss setups for all cars around Zolder. Using the master threads will help keep the sub-forum clean and make it very easy to search for setups for each track. Setup files can be attached to any post, please use the Attach a File feature, along with the template below if you are going to upload a setup.

Session: (Qualifying, Hotlap, Race, All-round etc)
Lap time: (If relevant, optional)

Feel free to add explanations below this template, explaining your thought process in designing it, what the aim was and any tips on how to drive it.

This thread is not just for posting setups, if you want to discuss ideas and anything else to do with the varying speeds of cars around the circuit, please do so in this thread.

I will try to keep up to date with posts in the thread and link some of the best setups in this post down below.

Download and save the setup file, which should be ".json" type.
Navigate to <USER> \ Documents \ Assetto Corsa Competizione \ Setups \ <Car name> \ <Track Name>
Move the setup .son file into the folder.
Load it in game, in the setup window.

Setup links
Bentley Continental (2015)


Emil Frey Jaguar GT3

Ferrari 488 GT3

Lamborghini Huracán GT3

Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 (2015)

Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 (2018)