WTCC did kill themselves when they introduces this TC1 spec cars. They are just horrible expensive. So not really something for a privateer driver. A chassis already costs 400.000 euro. Than you still need to lease an engine. You can buy four TCR cars for that price, which are almost identical of speed and have an engine than to. Or you could buy a nice new GT3 car to of that price.
The reason why the WTCC still exists, is because it has goodwill from the past, the name WTCC is familair and also the driver names are recognizable with Muller, Tarquini, Coronel, Thompson, Monteiro, Lopez, Michelisz, Huff etc. A lot of fan favourites from local areas of from the past.
At the moment I already don't understand what a privateer does do in the WTCC than just throwing away money.
In my opinion the WTCC can only do one thing, is change of technical regulations. They need more cheaper and less advanced/aero cars. Why was SuperTouring and S2000 fun? Cars were cheaper, simple, lot of grip, almost no aero = close racing and good grids.