Wicklow Mountains, Ireland

Tracks Wicklow Mountains, Ireland 1.1.0

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Hi Jake,

Thanks for the great track. Have you ever tested it online? I've tried hosting it on one of my servers but it's got some kind of two car limit online and offline against the AI. If I add more than two cars online it crashes out before the track loads in (works fine with just two cars). Also no matter how many AI cars I add offline only one opponent appears on the track with me. It's like some setting to only allow two cars on the track at any one time has been set in one of the configuration files or something.


Hey Jake,

I was using the "Full Layout" but I've since found out that if I use "Full Layout with AI" that it supports more than just two cars at one time online. I've not encountered this before with tracks like LAC etc. Maybe some indication that this is how it works somewhere would be of benefit.

Jake Grafton updated Wicklow Mountains, Ireland with a new update entry:

Update v0.9.4

Update v0.9.4

- created the village of Roundwood
- added a new stage (Section 5), which is point-to-point from Roundwood to Laragh - it also has 24 pits in two car parks (for MP)
- Alekabul has created a layout with two-way traffic between Roundwood & Laragh
- added more roads with better road textures
- general improvements
- minor optimizations

View attachment 495965

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