You have a very strange understanding of how things work. Gyroscopic forces are not what "centers" the steering in a car. Gyroscopic forces resist change, but once the change has occurred, they don't try to revert that change. Besides, gyroscopic forces are pretty negligible in cars because of the very small changes (and low rate-of-change) in wheel angle. Centering forces are caused by caster and trail (both static and dynamic). These forces are simple torques that are proportional to the steering angle---the greater the angle the greater the force. As long as that angle is held (and the wheel hold traction), the force will remain.
Cars and bikes are fundamentally different in their steering not to mix the two.
The mass of the car and the wheel are completely irrelevant in this discussion. The only thing that matters is does the DD system have the torque and bandwidth to replicate the forces in sync with the real physics. Generally, these 20-30 NM Mige motors have both. Bandwidth probably suffers a bit, but not in a significant way.
I find the FFB simulation to be reasonably accurate up to and a few degrees beyond the ideal slip angle of the tire. I can find the slip angle by feel with a DD...something that is much harder to feel with a non-DD wheel.
However, I find the dynamics of breakaway and spin recovery to be completely off. I find it nearly impossible to overcome the DD forces in a simulated spin, whereas in a real car once the tires are in a complete skid there is very little force coming back through the wheel. Its as if the tires never fully break away in the sim, they always have grip.
But since the point isn't really to spin, I don't fret that nuance a lot. It is annoying to not be able to catch a few spins that I know I would be able to catch IRL---having done so. But, its just that a nuisance.