What has this sim got against it?

Absolutely nothing. It's realistic. The FFB is fantastic. The graphics are amazing (for my low spec PC). The setup options are good. The menu system is logical. The net code and servers etc are fantastic.

All we need now are a good guide on how to create tracks, the ability to add cars into the game, and imports/exporters for 3DsimED and we have the makings of the best sim the world!
I am quite a new player with online Sim. Got netKar License last week after checking out the Demo. The Sim is awesome and loved the feel of the Car and the Track. FFB is also the best I have experience so far. Even the tyre seems to have a life. I am now getting the habit of going easy with brakes.

I have a small wish, and thats to find other drivers online for race. since last week I only found 2 drivers so far online whom I could race with.
Any tips any suggestions on when to catch up with other players/drivers online will be appreciated.

I have a small wish, and thats to find other drivers online for race. since last week I only found 2 drivers so far online whom I could race with.
Any tips any suggestions on when to catch up with other players/drivers online will be appreciated.

You only really get people online in the run up to a league event, for example with Donington Park right now, which’s a shame because there has been some brilliant racing round there and it’s hard to see why this couldn’t happen more often. GPC have talked of daily race days, which might help with numbers but a few other things need to happen as well (a mini manifesto coming up here):
  • More people need to make an effort to go online, for example the other night there was 1 person on a server running Donington Park, I joined then went to get another person who I knew was hot lapping on another server. Soon a load of others joined and we had fantastic racing for 3 nights running.
  • More servers need to refuse new connections during a race, there’s nothing worse than tangling with someone you’re not even racing against.
  • Somehow people need to learn to show the same respect seen during league events, as often people fail to use their mirrors and end up blocking cars that are several seconds faster.
  • More POPULAR combinations should be used. Last night someone asked me what he should put up on his server, I said Adelaide (with the F2000) and people actually joined us. What’s the point of running a server with your favourite combo if no body’s using it?
That’s all folks!
thanks Dave and Bjorn - it appears to be just the 1600 and one or two tracks - haven't really tested it yet as I've only downloaded it to the Laptop - will try desktop in the next few days. Got to say even from the five minutes ot so I spent in the 'game' I was quite impressed with what they have done. Its just a shame when these people release software, that might be great and then make basic errors that totally undermine their product. Simbin do it by underutilising/underdeveloping certain features in their games (usually user unterface related) the Netkar people (can't comment on the product yet) do it by haveing a clunky website that doesn't make clear the product and leaves you wondering what you'll be getting for your 19.9 euros (confused even more by a figure of 35 euros in FAQ) and then having loads of mirror sites for the download some of which work, some which take you to register for download sites and some which don't work at all!!! I dunno, all that great work and the websites clearly gonna be costing them valueable sales...
Questions then:

- does the demo version allow user to race with owners of the full licenced version?

- if so what about an event where we get members from the Racing Club to download the demo and try an event that way?

- in the Nkp website it says that a licence gives you 1 year of tech support... does that mean you have to repurchase each year in order to keep up with the latest software updates?
hello Dave i try to answer your questions :)

the first i dont know to be honoust i thought it was only with other deno people but i might be wrong.

number 2 is an option but overall we only run full-game events.

question number 3. Your license will be bound and you dont have to repurchase the game. Also when you activated your netkar pro license 3 times you can always request 3 more unlocks free of costs.

I hope you found some answers and feel free to ask and join our events.

but all tracks online isn't it?

At least it was in a previous build as we ran demo events at Spa and Croft.
With v1.03 you could run add-on tracks as a demo user, but not with v1.1, a choice which I do find slightly dubious but not many people seem to agree.

the first i dont know to be honoust i thought it was only with other deno people but i might be wrong.
You can join a demo server with a full licence (but it can be a bit messy (the racing that’s)).

question number 3. Your license will be bound and you dont have to repurchase the game. Also when you activated your netkar pro license 3 times you can always request 3 more unlocks free of costs.
I think you actually get 4 in total (3 additional after your original unlock), but as someone posted on these forums having your unlocks reset isn’t an issue, although as long as you backup your driver/licence folder/file you shouldn’t really need to use anymore.

The one year support thing’s confusing, but all updates are included for two whole version numbers, but that was some very old info’ I read so it might not even be applicable anymore (just to clarify as Bjorn said updates are included).

You’re right about the infrastructure Dave. The websites FAQ’s out-of-date, and there’s no automatic system for downloading skins, and they hurt themselves sales wise by not having a voucher system (so you have to use your details when buying for someone else)!
I havent read the full thread (at work sorry) but I would say its amazing, such a good feel to the whole thing. I would say the strange way you can jump to the pits when damaged, though you do go a lap down is a bit odd.

Are there mods for this, can I be involved?
Hi Jim no its part off the deal you have to see it like this way. In real life when you loose a wing or puncture a tire it will cost you a good few minutes to crawl back to the pits and basicly the lap down simulates this:). And good to have you with us
I think Netkar Pro is a great sim and I've always been disappointed when there's hardly anyone online because its such a shame! I'd be definitely up for some NKPro action, though tonight's race may be a little short notice for me and my licence is still pending. But hopefully by the next race I'll be back in the swing of things.
I really don't get it that we cannot even fill up one room with this game in club nights. Its by far the best openwheel sim out there its cheap and still nobody buys it. I am completely clueless why people don't buy it

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