@jgf - just to clarify, you mean start with in game menu and talent file being the last resort, right?
Actually just the opposite.
First I always set in-game strength and aggression to 100 before doing any AI tweaks, this assures all tweaks are done to a common baseline; changing either affects all cars, all mods, all tracks. Same with plr file tweaks, they affect all cars, all mods, all tracks.
Then consider what you need to adjust; a talent file only affects one particular car; a setup change affects all identical cars (assuming you assign setups to AI cars), as will a physics edit. Either will affect that car/mod at all tracks. And editing a track AIW file will affect all cars/mods at that track.
So at the top of the hierarchy are those adjustments that affect the entire game - in-game menus and plr file. Leave them alone unless you want to change everything.
Next level is changes affecting a group - track tweaks affect all cars running on that track; physics files affect that type of car running at any track.
Next are setups, affecting a type of car at one track; and talent files, affecting one car at all tracks.
A change at any level can affect all settings below it in the hierarchy - change the grip at a track and you will need to tweak the setups of all cars running there; change the physics of a mod and you will have to tweak the setups for that mod for all tracks. One exception, giving the AI decent setups often requires tweaking the AIW files of that track to balance performance again.
So when you need to tweak, consider which file will give the results you want while affecting as little as possible of the rest of the game. Hence my concept of the hierarchy
The main issue with the plr adjustments that they are very mod dependent, there is no across the board setting; what is optimum for a GT series may be way off for F1 cars and vice versa. One workaround is to optimize the plr file for a particular series, right click on it "add to zip", then edit the file name to include that series, you now have a 'playername''seriesname'.zip in your player folder; repeat as necessary for other series, then when you need to change, just right click on the appropriate zip and "extract here". Only hitch is remembering to switch files before starting the game. The midadjust/raceratio/qualratio settings in the AIW file are usually acceptable for a wide variety of cars - as long as these settings were all derived with the in-game strength at 100; then just use the strength slider to adjust for whatever mod you're using and the speeds will track in proportion (usually, lol).