What are you listening to?

Sasagerareta Image

“Slowly and Painfully.”
“Slowly and Sorrowfully, not unlike a maiden with a clouded expression.”
“Slowly and Gravely, as if your performance were a devoted sacrifice to the heavens.”

When I look up at the sky. I see there.
In that stagnant sky, the stars laid out.
Ah… I’m laughing aren’t I? I am
Laughing at, sneering and scorning myself.
This twisted self I’ve become.

What was supposed to be a mere trial of intoxication,
Has since become something without which I…
Cannot even breathe.

I have abandoned, all thought.

By vomiting up all the melancholy
Running rampant before me, I am somehow able
To keep myself alive.

I am melting into listlessness.

Hey, Merry.
This reality really is.
Such a fragile and fleeting thing isn’t it?

Like vermin, manipulated, meeting and mating.
Driven by our unconscious instincts, we spread.

I try to fill the holes opened in my heart.
Over and over again.

-But, nothing is ever filled.

 do I…?
 with whom?

Everyone paints and hardens their deceptions,
Painting that face over all that was before.
Deceiving even themselves.

It approaches, silent and secretly.

Perhaps those emotions themselves were
Only a temporary moment brought on by mischief,
Only an illusion, born from escapism.

Twisting reality.

Hey, myself – my Merry.
This relationship really is.
Such a terrible and vulgar thing, isn’t it?

Like vermin, we fight argue, laid with parasites.
Smiling in shades of night, something is watching me.

Brimming with ecstasy, those eyes.
Speak eloquently to me.

-I won’t let this end, not yet.

 do you…?
 with whom?

Disappearing, chair after chair, another is stolen away.
I cannot find any way to bring them back.


Disappearing, chair after chair, another chair I break.
That is the only thing I know I can do.

Like vermin,
We are controlled,
and rot away.
Taking the black of night at the ends of this sickness,
Into our bodies, swollen and impregnated.

Everything twists and breaks apart.
Without the slightest hint of mercy.

-The Gymnopédie bares its fangs.

Do I…?
With whom?

For now.
There is.
No one.
And nothing.
“Your wishes will come true!” is nothing but a gross slogan
I don’t need words that are only words and nothing more
Is what you wish for “love” empty of any substance?
If your words have no meaning, I’ll have to ask you to leave

Do your wishes come true if you’re able to say them aloud?
Does talking about love make what you feel really love?
No matter how many words string together, they’re all empty
If you want to talk about your dreams, save it for somniloquy

Shackled, there’s no time, I can’t move, kept in pain
Unable to do anything, my remnants of freedom are swept away
Unable to run away, again and again, locked in a single act, time frozen
I want to break free of my chains, I want to run away from reality

My overflowing emotions have nowhere to go
Even what I’ve grasped in my hands feels like a lie
Those that chase their dreams are eaten by them
What I want is simply “freedom”
My overflowing emptions have nowhere to go
Even what I’ve grasped in my hands feels like a lie
Is even freedom now something you must buy?
“Freedom” is all I want.

“You too can find happiness!” is nothing but a futile slogan
I don’t need words that are only words and nothing more
What I wish for, what I need are words that have substance
If your words have no meaning, I’ll have to ask you to leave

Rather than repeating all your wishes, why don’t you just sleep?
Do you actually think you’ll find love in loving others?
No matter how many words you string together, they’re all empty
If you want to talk about your dreams, save it for somniloquy

Unable to resist these chains, nothing changes as time flows on
Doing the same thing over and over again, my self has disappeared
Unable to run away, I only obey, locked in a single act, a single time
I want to break free from reality, I want to escape from this place

My overflowing emotions cannot find anywhere to go
Even all I’ve grasped in my hands is nothing but a lie
Those that chase dreams fall before them
What I want is simply “freedom”
My overflowing tears will one day dry up
There is nothing I have really grasped
If you don’t have any more money, your time is up
“Freedom” is lost.
Asylum Street Spankers playing "Breathing". The band had lots of humorous numbers when they were active, but the more serious songs are really well performed!


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