What are the popular series now?

Brent Mills

Brent Mills
Thinking about giving it another go after a 2 year break and wondering 2 things.
  • What are the popular series now? Back then , skippy, FR2.0 , porsche cup and GT3's were the popular series. Has that changed?
  • Is the tyre model improved at all? I left because the over the limit handling just felt so wrong
The main issue keeping me is that I'm still only simming about one day a week and when I play is hardly during peak times. Mid afternoon or weekends in the early-mid morning is typical.

I'm planning to take a very light work schedule for the next 2.5 months or so, but my wife and I will be busy doing things and I'm going to have some quality time in my shop making saw dust, so when I'm not wiped out from the mountain biking, hiking and wood working and the weather isn't cool enough to go to the air field for RC helis, I'm hoping to get some time in my sim rig. I might even manage some peak times before I take on my next large project.

If it looks like I'm getting some traction, I'll give it a try.