Webber Will Be At Chinese Grand Prix

Oh yeah. so Vettel needed the racing line so that gives him permission to turn into his teammate. That makes a lot of sense..

I don't want to defend Vettel, but he might of misjudge that he was already ahead of Webber that he also thought Webber would brake earlier than him.

again, we will never know the true story until the team ceases to exist, just like Ferrari, never know what actually went on behind closed doors.
Hey Diego

You might want to look into this:

An interview with Red Bulls Mark Webber after the 2011 British Grand Prix where he was told to matain a three second gap to team mate Sebastian Vettel with a few laps to go. Webber chose to ignore this instruction from the pit wall & attempted to pass Vettel but never pulled it off.

But did he pass him?


end of story.
Currently RBR have a pre-race agreement that who ever is leading after the final pitstop takes the win.

I'm not sure if they had that in 2011 (probably started after Silverstone?),but Silverstone 2011 is a very different situation.

Before Webber is told to 'maintain the gap', Vettel is on the radio telling the team 'to be wise' he gets a reply 'We know what you mean & are controlling the situation' then the order to Webber goes out to maintain the gap (repeatedly) & in a very different manner to Malaysia 2013.

Vettel knows he is Golden boy in the team & uses that status regularly for his advantage.

Look at Vettel in Malayasia, trying to tell the team that 'Mark is too slow, get him out of the way'.
Which was a bullshit comment (Vettel was not faster) but Vettel was trying to use his exalted status to get a free pass.
Just like Silverstone.

As for Brazil, Webber had every right to fight for position he needed to capitalise on points for the WDC standings.
Vettel only needed 15th to get WDC, and don't forget the radio message from RBR thanking Webber for letting Vettel pass.

ermmm, Mark himself said it he was being slow because he was managing his tires, he said he could of gone faster if he wanted to, which he was ever since he change inters to slicks.

and of course he is goldenboy, he has RB staff in his claws, no respect, thinks 3 WCs changes things, another Schumacer-ish.

and no he need it 9- or 7 depending on Alonsos podium finish

I think you mean 11 or below if Alonso didn't finish at all.

again like Mark Webber said " He will always be protected" this forum has enough of a durr fan base to prove that besides 3/4 of the BBC and Sky comments plus other sites put together.

3xWDC does change things you ding dong!!... It is why He gets preferntial treatment within team,because he has earned it..he is the the chosen one,not Weeper!......and i'll repeat it for you one more time....that is ,because he is s-i-m-p-l-y the better driver over and over again,and not because Helmut Marko is a one eye Austrian and not Mexican ,comprende?

Get off the crack and stop writting incoherent gibberish
Calling Vettel fans Durrrr is ridiculous, mate. We see Webber as a whiny loser, but we never call you guys stupid.

It's called difference in opinion.
Not people,just one....and not In a crack ,but On crack.

"in a crack" would mean sticking something in a hole ,or a cavavity,and i wasnt speaking of any holes or cavities Tony,sorry:)

Ahhhh...such as it may also be termed rock, work, hard, iron, cavvy, base, or just crack?

Without sounding like an arse..... why would someones opinion, which is different from other mean that they are on crack? :geek:

I am off to paint a picture soon....

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