Some people seem to have very short memories (only looking at this season) and shouting Max should not be in F1 and take up a testing role to mature? Really? How does testing make him a better and more experienced driver for races? Just remember what he did at his first race in a Red Bull and in Brazil in the rain in that same year (which are just 2 exampled of his raw talent). How many drivers currently on the grid would be able to do that? At that moment in time amost everyone was praising him and saying how mature he already was as such a young age. Yes... he is still a 'rough diamond' (on track and off track), and this year he has made some more mistakes, but having Max in F1 is still a 'blessing' for F1. Why not focus on the drivers that maybe should not be on the grid today, that absolutely have no contribution to the excitement of current F1?