AC Various Events: Supercars Down Under!@Bathurst, Fri 25th August 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Come on racers! Can we get some more sign ups for some heart pounding action on the mountain tomorrow !?

Attention: all drivers to their vehicles please.:D
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If i am silly enough to try this, could someone throw a set up bone to an old dog?
ok, here you go. try this for the commodore and see if it helps. also, don't worry, there will be two short races (25 mins each), so if you blow it on one you'll get a second chance.

hope to see you on the track!


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Although I am certainly going to hit some thing, ( guaranteed )the super cars here seem like a breeze compared to the Primera btcc car.
There is just slowing for the chicane on the hill top that causes me the most problems, admittedly I have only done 5 laps. But as I said I have bashed around here recently a lot in the Primera.

I was wrong.:redface::redface::redface:
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Why would I try a Supercar on the Mountain when I can lead a group of Motorcyclists over a wet parcours?

(Sorry guys, I'm working)
Fair enough! I would take a group motorcycle ride in the out-of-doors irl over sitting in front of a computer any day of the week. Have fun and rubber side down!
Although I am certainly going to hit some thing, ( guaranteed )the super cars here seem like a breeze compared to the Primera btcc car.
There is just slowing for the chicane on the hill top that causes me the most problems, admittedly I have only done 5 laps. But as I said I have bashed around here recently a lot in the Primera.
True, true. Now that you mention it, the Primera is probably more of handful here than these things. These cars are just faster so I found that you need to adjust your line and braking all along the mountain. This should be a walk in the park for you!
Nice racing today guys, I appreciate your attendance--hope you all enjoyed driving those cars as much as I did. I'd like to come back to them again at some point in the future, perhaps at Adelaide. I think we can consider it an achievement just to make it through 2 races with that combo!

Next up, Can-Am at Riverside! Might try a different day this time... I'll put a practice server up in the meantime...
Thanks for hosting Dominic, shame that there were such low numbers but I enjoyed the challenge of trying ( trying being the operative word here) to keep these monsters out of the walls.
I like recreating real life races and it don’t get much more real that Aussie Supercars around Bathurst. We even managed to recreate a roadblock in race two!:D
Super softs were definitely the way to go and even with a change of tyres in race one, I still managed to hang on to the last step of the podium.
Well done to Jason and Robert, great pace guys.:thumbsup:
Not for me, nothing to like,
I occasionally had a reasonable good pace. But that did not make it enjoyable at all, two very frustrating races.
In the end I just tried to do just one lap, Never managed even one lap. Far too difficult for me, way out of my depth.
Not for me, nothing to like,
I occasionally had a reasonable good pace. But that did not make it enjoyable at all, two very frustrating races.
In the end I just tried to do just one lap, Never managed even one lap. Far too difficult for me, way out of my depth.
We appreciate you being a good sport and hanging in there. I think that was the first time I've ever finished in front of you!! Now I understand why... :(

If there is any special car/track combo you would like to try Ernie, let me know and we will put it into the queue!
I say what I think to try and get across a balanced view, if I we’re to say everything positive, we as a group will be arranging races with very few participants..
I will race on Tuesday in the RS1600 and Alfa and I am quite happy to race the, compared to the RS1600, the less competitive Alfa.
Now I don’t actually find Goodwood easy, and I do not find these cars easy to drive..
I also find that stupid chicane just makes for a ridiculous obstacle that will pointlessly have me off for certain laps.
But and this is a big but I can make mistakes, lose time, run on the grass, and still race in reasonable competitiveness.

I am not sure this waffle proves anything that is useful, other than I like to race, not constantly bounce of walls in the typical AC manor. That means a tap ends in total mayhem.. touching a curb with the rear wheel in these very powerful cars means a instant spin, as opposed to a realistic nudge from the rear.

The reason that Wednesday is so popular is mainly down to the straight forward nature of those two cars.

Just make them drivable for the masses, both car and track, our very talented aliens will still disappear up the road but we can all have a race.

I really appreciate what you are doing, with much admiration too, the last thing I want is for you to get worn down by it all. Your doing a great job, perhaps no one remotely agrees with any thing I have said. I would be perfectly happy with that.
So it is just my point of view. Warts and all.

I think my statement to Paul summed it up when he let me through, I said thankyou Paul, you won’t have long to wait and you will be back in front, I think I got about 3/4 of a lap, and was impressed by that.:roflmao::roflmao:
I say what I think to try and get across a balanced view, if I we’re to say everything positive, we as a group will be arranging races with very few participants..
I will race on Tuesday in the RS1600 and Alfa and I am quite happy to race the, compared to the RS1600, the less competitive Alfa.
Now I don’t actually find Goodwood easy, and I do not find these cars easy to drive..
I also find that stupid chicane just makes for a ridiculous obstacle that will pointlessly have me off for certain laps.
But and this is a big but I can make mistakes, lose time, run on the grass, and still race in reasonable competitiveness.

I am not sure this waffle proves anything that is useful, other than I like to race, not constantly bounce of walls in the typical AC manor. That means a tap ends in total mayhem.. touching a curb with the rear wheel in these very powerful cars means a instant spin, as opposed to a realistic nudge from the rear.

The reason that Wednesday is so popular is mainly down to the straight forward nature of those two cars.

Just make them drivable for the masses, both car and track, our very talented aliens will still disappear up the road but we can all have a race.

I really appreciate what you are doing, with much admiration too, the last thing I want is for you to get worn down by it all. Your doing a great job, perhaps no one remotely agrees with any thing I have said. I would be perfectly happy with that.
So it is just my point of view. Warts and all.

I think my statement to Paul summed it up when he let me through, I said thankyou Paul, you won’t have long to wait and you will be back in front, I think I got about 3/4 of a lap, and was impressed by that.:roflmao::roflmao:
Dear Ernie;
Your feedback and opinions are valued more than you think. I always enjoy reading your posts here, and find myself often chuckling at your choice of words along with the wry post race reports. Keep on doing whatever you're doing, because you're hell on wheels out there on the track and an inspiration to us rookies.:thumbsup:

I also respect that you don't hold back, and wouldn't want you to. I realize I have a lot to learn here, but like the rest of us here, I also love to race. Even if I'm just bringing up the rear, I don't mind, I have fun just driving around different tracks in different cars.

Yes, the Wednesday races are always popular, because you're right, there is some competition for every skill level there, and the turnout is always good. Those events also serve as a great way for beginners to cut their teeth. Besides, Han is a great host!
Unfortunately, due to work demands I haven't been able to participate in those events recently but I look forward to getting back to the grid there sometime soon.

In the meantime, I'll continue to throw events together from time to time, trying different track / car combos and perhaps different days, as opportunities arise. I hope you can join us as it suits your fancy!
Kind regards,
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