Ultra+ Resolution & Raytracing & Niagara Partical System & dlss Support

Ultra+ Resolution & Raytracing & Niagara Partical System & dlss Support 1.55

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duestereLegende updated max Res. Setting & Raytracing & Niagara Partical System & dlss Support with a new update entry:

some changings

It needto say some words to this update.. i think i have near reach the maximal settings for resolution for this game and pc hardware.
for that i have made decision to split the mod in 3 resolution settings to give every one the option the choice his best resolution/performence.

i call it MAX, MED and MIN! to understand this, you get still all effects from raytracing, niagara, fx and dsll, but in different resolution levels.
the reason is the max setting increase the usage of you pc/graphic...

Read the rest of this update entry...

Would somebody mind helping me install this?

I don't understand points 3, 4 or 5 (i've already placed the medium files into the Paks folder and changed the resolution to my preferred in game files)

I don't understand which file to change from .ini to .sav
I don't understand which files to copy and paste into \AppData\Local\F1Manager24\Saved\Config\Windows

Many thanks
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