Ultra+ Resolution & Raytracing & Niagara Partical System & dlss Support

Ultra+ Resolution & Raytracing & Niagara Partical System & dlss Support 1.55

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duestereLegende submitted a new resource:

maximum Resolution Setting with Raytracing - Graphic Setting with Raytracing

I have made my own Version of Graphic Setting with Raytracing enabled , from my old Setting (2022) and inspired from Graphic preset mod here

BE sure you have a strong PC and graphic card and good air/water cooling!!!!
you need 8-10GBVram and Raytracing on your card RTX2080 or better , maybe the setting brakes down the fps

Before you Copy and Override the Files..
make a Backup from your files Engine.ini and GameUserStetting.ini (best fall you change only ini to sav)


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Straight up copied Cafiso's work. Make it a lil less obvious next time bruv
its a list of offical ue comands and i have near the same in my files, i have change and rollback some values and did activate raytracing.. what is your prob.. no raytracing and not bring forward the graphic? good that dont use it and btw i have wrote his mod name in description
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Straight up copied Cafiso's work. Make it a lil less obvious next time bruv
have you clown a brain or is there all empty? youre a little toxic.. free comand from unreal has NO ONE apatent for it exept EPIC also go to hell with your lies.. he has maybe make a resolution version as first here.. but he is not the only one in the world there doing this and CAN this..
You need to sort this out between you.
Preferably by pm.
The review bombing also has to stop.
To be honest, we've already talked about this in private messages. There's really nothing more to discuss here, I'm sorry to say. For me, the matter is clear: he took one of my existing versions and worked on it further. Asking beforehand would have been enough. But then saying it was merely inspired by mine is simply not true.

I don't want to argue any further; he can do his thing, and I'll do mine. The review bombing he's receiving did not originate from my side.
To be honest, we've already talked about this in private messages. There's really nothing more to discuss here, I'm sorry to say. For me, the matter is clear: he took one of my existing versions and worked on it further. Asking beforehand would have been enough. But then saying it was merely inspired by mine is simply not true.

I don't want to argue any further; he can do his thing, and I'll do mine. The review bombing he's receiving did not originate from my side.
so when all is toke by my me and i didnt have a plan, why take you then from my version the valus and many entrys what i have incresed and changed? i told already, that i only use your file , cause it was full sortet, and my file not.. thats all.. i did in 22 grafic mod for f122, did you stolen from me in 24?? same in green... and for already info i did wrote in modinfo your modname that i was read your file and inspired from your file and under this condition i have changes over 40 entry and increse many entry..in the first version 1.0 here. after all other version did i going other way forward as you, you still stand in same month on same position.
i will not count how many raytracing particel, shadows, niagara and dsll comands i have set in the file what you not have or just copy too from me..
make a 2nd version grafic mod where goes same concept but have much more option? oh wow suprise is OPEN COMANDS for all and everything from EPIC and not from you!
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duestereLegende updated max Res. Setting & Raytracing & Niagara Partical System & dlss Support with a new update entry:

Particle System update

im not sure that was overall but now are all particles on maximmum..

- you see now much more sparks by every ground touching carbody..
- you see dirt/sand particle high around car as dust cloud if driver fail curve and going outside track.
- if drivers leave track close on dirt, you see much particle in air and falling back on track..
- if driver have (fullspeed) blocked tyres and run outside track you see big fogclouds around tires..
-if car crashing into other car could you see damage...

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