Well, it's an instruction from an other cam mod here
it's not available anymore but in it's readme is written:
Well, it's an instruction from an other cam mod here
it's not available anymore but in it's readme is written:
So you could add it, so to follow
Well, in his thread someone stated it would lead to CTD during replay when a pitstop is shown. I never bothered as I don't watch replays anyway
Of course, as your mod has no chase_close I don't paste it in
Edit: Tested it, didn't CTD during the replay when entering the box, doing the stop and exiting.
Well I don't know if these cameras work without the changed GarageCar_seq.xml and each track's replay_camera_config.xml
I keep default items in to avoid such problems.
your good to go now I wont be editing this anymore 20 hours figuring the movement out is enough time
also I left the text files in there to save anyone the hasstle of decoding
Just think about it. The head cant jump because of the "hans". The body cant jump like this IN the car because of the safety belt. So... the pilot is jumping WITH the car, the giraffe's neck up and down is unreal. But 1.6.5 was good, i will return to it, will try the final (if you have), everyday to take a cam, to change the fov and position to be good to me and drop in my file is not big dealsorry to here you don't like it.
be interesting to know how many tracks are on even ground in the world.
Just think about it. The head cant jump because of the "hans". The body cant jump like this IN the car because of the safety belt. So... the pilot is jumping WITH the car, the giraffe's neck is unreal. But 1.6.5 was good, return to it, will try the final (if you have), everyday to take a cam, to change the fov and position to be good to me and drop in my file is not big deal
Just trying to improve movement
You dont read me - bonnet and bonnetx...on what cam ?
You dont read me - bonnet and bonnetx...
You dont read me - bonnet and bonnetx...
no problemThank you man.