Finally broke below the 17 minute barrier tonight on the 600s, with a 16’57. Clean lap, but I definitely cost myself some time at Sulby getting very squiffy through the Quarry Bends, but I didn’t leave much more on the table.
After nailing what I consider a damn near perfect lap (for me) I was even more perplexed as to how some guys are doing sub 16 minute laps. I download the replay of the number 2 guy and honestly he was riding pretty much exactly the same as me 90% of the lap. He was carrying a bit more speed through some areas, particularly Ballacrye and the turns immediately after it, but honestly I think I ride three or four sections better than him. The place he’s gaining time is the slow corners: he’s carrying way more speed than me at places like the Creg, Gooseneck, Guthries, Parliament Square etc etc and that seems to make all the difference on the 600s. Got some practicing to do now!
After nailing what I consider a damn near perfect lap (for me) I was even more perplexed as to how some guys are doing sub 16 minute laps. I download the replay of the number 2 guy and honestly he was riding pretty much exactly the same as me 90% of the lap. He was carrying a bit more speed through some areas, particularly Ballacrye and the turns immediately after it, but honestly I think I ride three or four sections better than him. The place he’s gaining time is the slow corners: he’s carrying way more speed than me at places like the Creg, Gooseneck, Guthries, Parliament Square etc etc and that seems to make all the difference on the 600s. Got some practicing to do now!