rF2 Touring Masters @ Road Atlanta - Wed October 20th 2010

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Mmmm.... reminded what type of racing I actually, unconditionally LOVE. Classic tourers, served in a tasty package. Tried the Sierra for the first time, loved it. Of course was ages behind Dariusz, who simply showed us why he is ranked so high on RD (deservingly, of course :)), but it didn't matter, as always in those cars.

In R1 I was able to battle here and there with Vale, Can and (later on) with Ozan, whose tyres started running out. Got unfortunate when Vale was rejoining in a very bad spot with extremely bad timing and collected him, but he completely made it up to me later on in R1. Some idiotic mistakes on my behalf in this race, but still fun in the Cossie.

R2 was looking good after passing the whole lot of cars runnin' wide in T1, battled my way through Ozan in a nice little battle, tried to hold off second place, but got punted on L4 (not by Ozan) and rejoined behind the pack that was chasing me till then. And the Vale-fun began, sat on his tail, trying to squeeze by, got past twice, only to make mistakes and get re-overtaken. Done some mistakes while attacking Valerio and we constantly battled till the penultimate lap, when I finally was able not to screw up the attack :). Some great, close, rewarding racing here. I will do everything not to miss WTM again!

This time run with BMW. For 2time, if one keep off the champion:), really close grid but few people:frown:

Race1 nice race little battle and big chase of Lukasz.

Race2 Im without words. Great battle in true 20 minutes of clean battles. We was started together and together we run the race,constant overtaking for 4th position. In lap 10 Im in 4th and Lukasz behind me, I saw in mirrors that him lost car, front me the 3th position at 17sec so I decided wait him for play the 4th place.Guys again fun battle 2turns front him 2turns front me at the end Im in 5th and Lukasz in 4th but that amusing race.:wink:

Congratulation to podium

Thanks Ivo and RD for event
Q: I hited clean lap, and lucky me Dariusz didn't have that much of luck and I got PP :D

R1: Start Dariusz shot like bullet form 2nd spot and I set my self behind him, knowing his pace I knew he will just disappear.
L2 Dariusz made mistake and he spun under braking for last chicane and I took lead. Opened gap up to 4 sec over Luc, but then I lost a little bit of my concentration and my advantage shrinked to 1 sec. On last lap suddenly "1:00 remaining" showed up on the exit of T5 it disturbed me so much I spun and lost my sure win :( finished 3 rd
Before event I would treat as a success, but after my pathetic mistake I was only 3rd...

Q2: managed super lap 1.29.8 :) but Dariusz made 1.29.2 P2
I screwed the start and dropped down to 8th which was last place and then I moved up the order. I had nice battle with Can in his Volvo, then I got to Ozan and Luc. I surprised Ozan in T1 taking tight insight, then Luc made mistake spun and hit wall. On big braking coming to chicane Ozan scared me as he shoot over his braking and run almost straight though chicane. Then I got to Dariusz but as the gap varied from 2 to 1 sec I wasn't able to make pass. Finished 2nd!

Thx to all that took part! It was great event.
Thx Ivo and Ryo for such a nice combo!

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