rF2 Touring Masters @ Grand Valley - Mon Sept 20th 2010

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Well that was fun!

Race 1 I qualified 2nd, got a blistering start and was 1st into T1. Had a ncie lead and then span, which dropped me to 5th. Through other people going off I climbed back up to 3rd. Oh, and Amir letting me through because he had no FFB. Very kind :)

Race 2 qualified 1st on a 12.1, no idea where that came from. Got an amazing start and pulled away by 1s off the grid, to be rewarded with a trip through the kitty litter. Had an awesome battle with Lenno, Stenbeck, Eggbeer and Margalit, eventually took Kjell round the outside and then the next lap spun into the barrier and killed my engine :( Well gutted about that. But I had fun.

Thanks fro the great racing guys, see you next time :)
Good fun tonight :) Took the Sierra again because I was going to have very limited setup time.

Q1: Decent lap to take 5th.

R1: Made a good start and was up to 4th. Tried getting past Amir at turn 2 a few laps in but overcooked it, gave him a nudge and span down to 10th (sorry :frown:). Recovered and had a few good battles on my way back up with Valerio and Avi. Made a dodgy overtake on Avi at turn 2 so let him back past again on the exit (sorry :frown:) before I got past him further around the lap. Finally finished in 5th.

Q2: PB to take 4th

R2: Made a great start and jumped Gary and Amir off the line but Kjell got past me. Chris went off at turn 1 so I was 2nd and chasing Kjell down. Gary caught up to me and we had a good battle for a few laps till I went off and he got past. Proceeded to have a long enjoyable battle with Gary, Kjell, Amir, and Chris where we kept switching places (well Gary was a bit further ahead then us). Chris crashed out so I was up to 3rd right behind Kjell and then with 5 mins to go I got a nudge from behind and into the wall I went (thought I lost it on my own at the time). Front splitter was ripped off and front left was punctured. Trotted around to the pits and got lapped. Finished in 10th.

Thanks to Ryan, Ivo, RD, and all those I battled with :)
I had o lot of great fun this evening. Wonderful mix for me: track bringing memories from PS One:wink:, WTM mode and maniacs the same like me looking for fun in racing:cool:.

Q1: Not good enogh I was in the back on the grid with time over a second worse than in practice. P 9.
R1. I have a bit of fun with Brian in the begining, but I made mistake and got soft tires from the qualy, so after 8 laps I was out of tires and loose position to Brian after that I hit a barrier and got puncture, so had to go to the pits. I finished on the last position.
Q2: Time even worse than in Q1 but P8 this time.
R2: This time with hard tires:wink:. Again a bit of fun with Brian, but this time He realy quick overtook me. Your move on the outside was realy great 10 for 10 points for this one:wink:. I tried to catch up with Valerio and Brian and I did cause they were fighting with each other. Valerio went wide in the-like someone said-tricky part of a track...and I overtook him and then the real race begin, at least for me. We have with Valerio great fun diuring over 10 laps, very close and fair battle, like always with this guy:D. Finaly He overtook me and I was trying to catch up, but another time I hit the barrier and broke suspension, the car was very tricky, so I just tried to keep position to the finish. P 6 or 7in the end.
Thanks to RD&Ryo&Ivo for the event on this full of memories track, and to all You Guys, who made this event run. See You next time.
Always fun race here:)

Q1 usually for me on back but in race 1 after start Im in 6th and front me Avi tried overtook but hard here whitout do a mistake or incident after a few of laps behind me see Adam ( I know him :) ) so push more but in a straight fault with 5th gear and Adam overtook me push more so I do a bit of mistake here and there and lost the contact finish the race think 7th.
Q2 same before:wink: in race 2 I met Tomasz, always great fun with you mate:), we have do a lot of laps together very amusing, again front me Avi but too far 5 or 6 sec and only 5min to left,tried but hard take 1sec. for laps and finished 6th (believe).
Sorry Brian when you are behind me and I drive not so good but I push hard and drive same a snake,was not my intention,was power of engine :wink:.
Congrat to podium
Thanks all nice race and thanks Ivo Ryan and RD for nice event
Hard two great fun races, I drove like an idiot both races tho! Both races did very poor qually, them made great starts only to make silly mistakes and end at the back lol. Had a nice fight with Tomasz and Vale, always fun to battle with them :). This has taught me not to just turn up at a track I have never driven at before, with nooo practice at all lol!

Still was fun, cheers Guys!
I had a couple of very fun filled great races in the Volvo despite two absolutely dire bogged down starts,my main fun was chasing Kjell for what felt like a long time pressuring him,but he had very good speed where it really mattered,where i had the extra pace was the parts of track i just couldnt use it,eventually Kjell cracked and the lead was mine :D.
Race two was another busy start due to the bog-down 1st gear,a good little tussle with Adz who just like Kjell in race one had very good speed where it counted,which is mainly final turn exit,even when i managed a good exit myself with bonus slipstream Adz could always hold it to T1,again it was a mistake that allowed me through and again im chasing Kjell for the lead :D,it was shaping up for another ding dong chase battle but sadly Kjell dropped it and i was handed a quite early lead,had to settle quickly as the chasing pack were hanging on fine,but then i got some gap and noticed the gaps behind looked like a close mental 4 or 5 way scrap was going on,so i cleared off outta there! :p.
A decent grid of 10 wasnt bad i suppose,but the combo deserved double that guys?.....

Many Thanks Ryo/Ivo & RD

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