Hey this is a very good topic.
i am also considering getting a VR... but the costs are almost prohibitive in my country, it is going to be a big effort. So im still considering it, and have some concerns..
my biggest worry is about the minimum hardware to play in decent fps and visuals in assetto corsa, since i am not willing to buy another computer and there is no chance of upgrade because it is a gaming laptop, a i7 3630qm @2,4 - 3,4ghz, a gtx 660m 2gb and 8gb ddr3.
First thing is it even enough for VR in assetto?
If so,
I currently use a 1080p 32" screen in full hd resolution, 2x aa and anisotropic, hight details and low shadows, and low graphical settings in general but post processes turned on in lowest config (so i can at least see flames and brake lights),
I run almost all the time in 60 fps online, dropping below in race starts or when there are many cars in screen.
The lower difference i would set up the graphics should be a concern?