That looks like one of those mornings in late Autumn or early Spring when it's 7 A.M. and about 10ºC, and you walk out the balcony with chocolate milk in your mug.
Sorry for spamming (again) but I thought these looked so cool I knew there was a good reason to save all my old 2k tri models from 2006 that I made for 1nsane Off Road
The only other vehicle I have from this period is a UAZ 469 (1971) but I'm not sure if it will work as well
My only gripe as such is that the trees are too green, should be a bit more yellow and blue thrown in I think.
Probably a bit exaggerated as it's from the dry season but palm trees tend to yellow on their lower fronds. (or maybe once they dry out they sag... idk)
From a distance you get a vertical gradient into yellow as a result. And then the other trees look blue in comparison.
Just found this tread and added it to my watching thread, you guys should be working full time as a track content creator for a sim racing game developer, looks great keep up the good work, always in full support of scratch made content.