Hmm,Hi there,
I've used the tool and been super impressed in the past, and recently moved to a new PC on Windows 11 and have found that the program doesn't work when I try to run it - I suspected it was to do with the firewall as you mentioned further up the thread but I've allowed all the Java executables through the Windows control panel to no success. The launcher launches, and the feed tester also works, but the telemetry tool itself does not open - could I have some help with getting it going again? Not sure if I'm missing something obvious
(using for F1 24, AC, and ACC)
I do development on Win10, but I do testing on Win11 laptop and if I recall correctly, I had to do something in the Windows security settings allow the Tool to run. Check your logs on the Windows security, if there is some hints on what is going on.
Is this a new install btw?
If the feedtester works, are you starting it from the Terminal?
You might try the following in Terminal
cd <to the directory where you installed the Tool>
then run in that directory
.\bin\win\bin\java -jar .\Telemetry.jar
This should start the Telemetry Tool (or launcher). When I do this on "new install", I get the Window Security question about allowing public and private networks connections to Java. Might be that you missed that.
And you can try also
.\bin\win\bin\java -cp .\Telemetry.jar apps.Launcher
.\bin\win\bin\java -cp .\Telemetry.jar apps.SystemProperties
just to see, if you get any errors to the commandline.
If this does not help, send me PM and we can try some other things.