I think my translation was wrong, sorry. Is not UDP transmission but UDP Broadcast. Set it to No.
Yeah, it should be set to no.
Are you sure there is connection from the XBox to the PC, and there is no firewall blocking traffic to the PC? Can you e.g. ping the XBox or listen music from the XBox on your PC? You might need to enable/allow connections to your PC from the home LAN in the PC's firewall. Sometimes the firewalls (like Windows firewall) might block the connectivity, so you need to create special rule to let the Telemetry tool to receive connections from outside.
And you could test the Telemetry tools install + connectivity with the apps.Feed (see the ReadMe.txt for how to test the app is working correctly).
And I would set the frequency to 20, not 60. Test first with 20 and if it works with that, then just up the frequency. I use 30 in my development, but also 20 and 60 work at least when running the tool on same computer as the game.
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