1) ACTI online: should work I guess, but I just downloaded this great tool but didn't have time to try it yet. So no clue, sorry!
2) Who's on the server: I can recommend to use "Content Manager" so you can have a quick look on your favorite servers in under 20 seconds
Lap Times: We have this little more or less unwritten rule to not write laptimes. For this event, as it is to LEARN about racing in general and about the setup you are allowed to post and discuss about laptimes, if you think the general discussion will benefit from it.
Example: I didn't made my laptime visible for the video, as I posted is to give an impression and to help with the driving it self. No need of a time for that.
If it's about "I did a blah with rear wing set to XY and a blah2 with rear wing set to YZ", then yeah, times are needed to discuss about time vs safety etc.
When you are on the Server you can see the laptimes of this session. But since they are only 30/20/20/20 minutes long... You won't see any. To make them visible I would have to implement sTracker but that requires some port forwarding and at the moment there are other things to do for the Tech Admins
Long text, but I think it was all necessary. If you interpret any of this as harsh or unfriendly, it's not meant to be. I'm looking forward to gain you as a new regular driver! The fact that you ask and car alone shows, that you would be a nice addition for us!