Hello K-putt. Congratulations on the excellent work! I just wanted to ask if it is possible, through your SweetFX Config, add to the images of the game the effect of "Motion Blur" when the machine runs fast and the effect of "depth of field" for distant objects.
A greeting and thanks for your wonderful work!
That's a problem with Chromatic Aberration. And i don't know how to fix this. Someone would have to change some things in the shader. Which i can't do because i can't write shaders.
I may have to ask CeeJay about this. As far as i know he wants to do a similar shader.
You can simply disable this effect in the SweetFX_settings.txt though.
#define USE_CA 1 to 0
You won't see much difference with it off. It just "blurs" the sides of the image a tiny bit.