SweetFX and XD

NB I just noticed you're living in Brazil ! ... Online must not be very easy there ... not many servers accessible I suppose ?

Even worse I am not native and my skills in the Portuguese language is somewhat lagging.
Used to be a good deal of small leagues for AMS 1. Still is a lot but the two I used both stopped last year.
Sim racing is pretty big in Brazil and Argentina, but a lot of people do not speak English or do not feel they speak well enough to join RD.
With AMS 2 I have joined servers in Eu and one in Australian without connection issues.
But my experience with public servers has for the most been :poop:

I never tried Crew Chief in Rfactor, as I read it was possible and working ( enough sims already on PC and I'm not a specialist of Rfactor as I prefered GTR2 at the start ;) ) .... but I may think that if it works for RFactor maybe it would be not too difficult to adapt it to GTR2 (they should be very similar I guess ).
The problem is find someone able to do that and moreover still very interested in GTR2 in order to spend time on such a work.

The guy that did XD could have done it in a few hours!
He is not reacting to emails anymore. To bad as if the source code to XD was public domain we would have the dll for' Crew Chief' by Monday morning.
Not even sure if the source code for the Rfactor interface is public?