Tracks Sveg, Sweden

Alright guys, it's d-day. Expect Sveg Raceway 1.2 to hit later today. With the newest tweaks to the looks of the track and the current version of SOL, it looks and feels better than it ever did.

Here's what's in store for you today:
1) We'll start with a beautiful replay of a 5-lap race with the 962C short tail. The day to night transition is just stunning, so heads up Peter SOL, Ilja CSP and whoever else is involved in making AC this beautiful.
2) I'm rebooting "Beat The Dev" with a hotlap of the 911 GT3R 2016 (2:35.5)
3) You'll get the track in the early evening (CET) once I'm done with the final preparations.
4) Chris Haye will upload a lengthy (and I assume well-produced) interview with me in the evening, with lot's of insights into Sveg Raceway and its creation.

What you should do now is the following:
1) Subscribe to my youtube channel (The Sim Channel) if you haven't already, and click the bell icon to be notified about updates:
2) Subscribe to Chris Haye's channel and do the same:
3) Spread the word :)
4) Shorten the wait by watching the 962C race and the Beat The Dev lap (uploading to my channel now, expect them online from 5pm CET).

Here's the change log:
- kicked out all CM/ CSP extensions to the track and the related issues (hopefully)
- removed competition layout
- improved brightness levels and color settings of road, grass, etc.
- toned down color saturation of spectators
- main asphalt now has red stones in it, like the real asphalt in the area
- added all-red asphalt between T7 and T8, like the real asphalt on that road
- added median strips on larger public roads
- improved garage doors, added dark blue paint
- added transparent windows on center pit building
- added additional turf pavers in T6, T7 and T10 for better racing
- added tire wall in T10 to mitigate wall impacts
- added transition (dirt) between grass and concrete walls
- new flags at start/finish
- minor changes to some trackside objects
- added working start lights
- welcoming Chris Haye Sim Racing as a new ad partner
- improved expansion joints on first bridge
- smoother hills and mountains in the distance
- flattened bumps before T12 and T14 for better drivability in stiff cars
- removed team boards from pit road for a cleaner look
- removed fans and ad flags from garage roof for a cleaner look
- added night lights with all they entail (flood lamps, lanterns, etc.)

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Chris Haye interviewing me about this project

Great stuff, guys!

I especially appreciate the desire to create in anything you're involved in (I'm the same way) and the comments about thinking about the realistic design of the surroundings and architecture stuff with fictional content; the way you intended to make it a believable place. I took the same approach with the RWD P30 for pCARS. :)

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