@Mr Squits
As in video above mentioned and my case CM acted, deleted from State menu line D:\steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\acs.exe
and added to FTH registry exclusion menu lines:
It works here.
Hi raulk.
I tried that. acs.exe was not in the FTH state file, but I added it to the exclusion file. Content Manager still takes a long time to load things.
So I've been trying to work this out again. While I was looking through settings and trying to get something to load as quick as it used to, there was an update for Content Manager.
I updated then went to the Patch section of the CSP settings. A few days ago I left CM downloading tracks configs for 34 tracks for 50 minutes, and not a single one was installed. It's already set to download automatically but wasn't installing anything. Considering the new update I tried to manually install everything again, and I got a different popup. This showed an overall progress bar with an item progress bar below, and it was installing things rapidly.
I went through Cars Configs, Cars Textures, Cars VAO and Tracks Configs, installing hundreds of items in about 3 minutes at my maximum download speed. When I got to Tracks VAO I had that same popup as a few days ago, where it looks like CM is looking for a file but can't find it or download it then moves onto the next. This happens with Backgrounds as well.
Now when I try to run an event I get the "loading data for Custom Shaders Patch" message again while it tries to loads backgrounds.
This makes me think there are connection issues somewhere.
New day, new attempt.
Everything I installed for Cars Configs, Cars Textures, Cars VAO and Tracks Configs was still installed, so I thought I'd try the other 2 sections.
Everything in Tracks VAO installed in less than a minute, but Backgrounds still won't install. I can open the files with a large delay both in CM and the GitHub source, they just won't install.
Tried again today. Everything was still installed and all of the backgrounds installed in a matter of seconds.
Events are loading as quickly as they were before, but CM is taking longer to initialise when first activated. It seems to be taking a while to load everything from those 6 sections at startup.