rF2 Studio 397 LMP2 & GTE @ Silverstone - Fri 05Oct18

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Sign me up for LMP2 please. Apologies for not signing out last week as I was in Wales for a few days and stayed a day longer than planned and didn't have access to the internet.
In please, LMP2 of course :)

InLMP2PleaseOkayThanks :roflmao:

Had a bit of a 'mare tonight, but let's try again next week and see what happens.

I'll try the LMP2 this time please Daiman :)

One Picazzo at the startline, then :D

Got to make it a double, P2 please! :thumbsup:

Im in Gte please

In please gte ..will get back to you on which one!

Thinking better, I will register with GTE as always, sorry for the inconvenience.:roflmao::D:alien:

Sing me up please with GTE bmw

P2 please

Sign me up for LMP2 please. Apologies for not signing out last week as I was in Wales for a few days and stayed a day longer than planned and didn't have access to the internet.

Sign me up for LMP2 please :)
All in as requested folks :thumbsup: