rF2 Studio 397 LMP2 & GTE @ Matsusaka - Fri 02Nov18

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
There was some weird freezing for me too. It happened a few times, but the hairpin incident was the worst. Shame as it likely robbed us of what should have been a good scrap for the GTE lead at the end.

Apologies to @Magnus Stjerneby who also got caught up in this. Being in VR, I had no clue who it was at the time in the LMP car (no idea even what happened whilst we were crashing!!), but yeah I see now it was Magnus. Here's a quick clip (albeit with no sound which also seems to happen now when I switch to single screen :O_o:).

Otherwise congrats to the winners and thanks Steve for jumping in to host. Look forward to the next race, although I'll need to do some troubleshooting before then :rolleyes:
I started quali with Vr but the display was so choppy that i had to switch back to triples to be able to race. I dont know why when i practice the day before it was np . I dont get this Vr really some people are able to race when i am not and im running with 1080 ti with low settings.
First few laps i was just following Andy and i was just maintaining the gap till my rear end started to slide too much and the car became undriveable . This car no matter what settings i put the rear is sliding too much after few laps it is so annoying.
Congr to Andy and all the winners and podium
i dident know if it was my pc lagging or your pc so i did not say anything and hoped i did not dameged your car to much. My car did not damage. I had big problem whit lagging hole race.
BTW, for those having issues with lag, an easy thing to try is adding the "+highprio" launch option to the game (at least on the multiplayer tab). I have had long-standing issues with random lag and warping in rf2 and this has solved them for me.

BTW, for those having issues with lag, an easy thing to try is adding the "+highprio" launch option to the game (at least on the multiplayer tab). I have had long-standing issues with random lag and warping in rf2 and this has solved them for me.

Hi Martin, that's a great tip. It seems to me, that you have quite a few really useful bits of knowledge about rF2. This reminded me of an RD guide which I used, when I first bought rF2. The guide is hopelessly out of date and needs a complete overhaul. I wonder if a couple of the techie guys around the forum could get their heads together and make a new guide, or if somebody knows of a really good guide that we could point people towards?
BTW, for those having issues with lag, an easy thing to try is adding the "+highprio" launch option to the game (at least on the multiplayer tab). I have had long-standing issues with random lag and warping in rf2 and this has solved them for me.

I'll be trying this for sure, thanks!
So that's what the text box in the launcher is used for :p
Hi @Daiman Patel
Is this week rf2 event on friday?
Thanks for answer in advance!
I am terribly sorry, but there will not be an rFactor 2 club event this Friday; please refer to the second part of this post, in next week's event thread, for an explanation. My apologies for not informing you sooner.

Meanwhile, I shall provide a brief summary regarding this event later today or tomorrow.
I lost that post, sorry!
No need to apologise! I was going to post the message here as well, but I did not get a chance before somebody asked me the question in next week's event thread. :rolleyes: I will provide the explanation in this thread as well, for the benefit of those who have not seen my post in the other thread or my response to you, when I get round to posting the summary.

See You next event! :thumbsup:
You shall indeed! :) See you next week mate!
Hi guys! I hope you're all well! :)

Apologies it has taken so long for me to post a summary following the last event - as you are probably aware, and now tired of hearing, I have been (and continue to be) incredibly busy with work. Therefore I have had very little time to keep up with my RaceDepartment duties. :redface:

Once again I'm going to keep this quite brief - since I did not take part in this event I do not actually have much to say. :whistling: But on that note I would like to begin with an apology for my absence last Friday. Unfortunately we have once again reached the closing stages of the year, which means that it is very much "crunch time" at the office; I had to work late last week, which is why I had to ask Steve to run the event on my behalf.

This leads me on to my second point, which is to thank @Steve Le Gallez for taking over the running of last Friday's event - much appreciated good sir, I owe you one! :D I hope that there was not any (or at least too many) issues to deal with or fires to put out on the night. By the sound of it you did a sterling job! ;)

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in this event! :thumbsup: I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves, in spite of the sightly shorter race, and the technical problems that some of you experienced.

On that note this is a good time to very quickly touch on the issue of "freezing", since several of you were affected by such glitches during the last event. There are several causes for freezes that could occur when playing rFactor 2, which includes network connectivity issues / overload, CPU issues / overload, hard drive issues / overload, and GPU issues. Network related freezes are what we refer to as "lagging", while "warping" is the term often used to describe freezes that are CPU related. Warping is usually only seen by a client whose CPU is being overworked, but in severe enough cases it could potentially be seen by others (as lagging) due to the client not being able to send all of the data for their car to all of the other players. A client with CPU related issues will typically see other cars around them warp because the physics calculations are performed client-side, but their own car may also be affected (in some cases it would even be possible to feel this when driving the car) and this may be visible to other players. If a client is experiencing these problems then they can set the "+highprio" parameter to try and alleviate the issue by giving rFactor 2 greater priority to utilise the power of the CPU. Setting this parameter will have no effect for clients who see another car lagging due to CPU issues for the driver of that car. Meanwhile, if you are lagging or notice lagging (but you do not have any network connectivity issues) then ensure that the upload and download rates are set accordingly to allow a sufficient amount of data to be transferred during a given period. Check out this video for a clearer explanation.

Finally, I would once again like to apologise for not being able to host an event last week. I decided against organising a race and asking another member of staff to run it on my behalf because it would not be fair for me to once again ask somebody to take over in my stead, and I did not have the time to do any testing in preparation for the race anyway.

However, we are back again this week! If you have not done so already then you can sign up for this Friday's race, at Botniaring, here! We look forward to seeing you on track! :geek:
Hi guys! I hope you're all well! :)

Apologies it has taken so long for me to post a summary following the last event - as you are probably aware, and now tired of hearing, I have been (and continue to be) incredibly busy with work. Therefore I have had very little time to keep up with my RaceDepartment duties. :redface:

Once again I'm going to keep this quite brief - since I did not take part in this event I do not actually have much to say. :whistling: But on that note I would like to begin with an apology for my absence last Friday. Unfortunately we have once again reached the closing stages of the year, which means that it is very much "crunch time" at the office; I had to work late last week, which is why I had to ask Steve to run the event on my behalf.

This leads me on to my second point, which is to thank @Steve Le Gallez for taking over the running of last Friday's event - much appreciated good sir, I owe you one! :D I hope that there was not any (or at least too many) issues to deal with or fires to put out on the night. By the sound of it you did a sterling job! ;)

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in this event! :thumbsup: I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves, in spite of the sightly shorter race, and the technical problems that some of you experienced.

On that note this is a good time to very quickly touch on the issue of "freezing", since several of you were affected by such glitches during the last event. There are several causes for freezes that could occur when playing rFactor 2, which includes network connectivity issues / overload, CPU issues / overload, hard drive issues / overload, and GPU issues. Network related freezes are what we refer to as "lagging", while "warping" is the term often used to describe freezes that are CPU related. Warping is usually only seen by a client whose CPU is being overworked, but in severe enough cases it could potentially be seen by others (as lagging) due to the client not being able to send all of the data for their car to all of the other players. A client with CPU related issues will typically see other cars around them warp because the physics calculations are performed client-side, but their own car may also be affected (in some cases it would even be possible to feel this when driving the car) and this may be visible to other players. If a client is experiencing these problems then they can set the "+highprio" parameter to try and alleviate the issue by giving rFactor 2 greater priority to utilise the power of the CPU. Setting this parameter will have no effect for clients who see another car lagging due to CPU issues for the driver of that car. Meanwhile, if you are lagging or notice lagging (but you do not have any network connectivity issues) then ensure that the upload and download rates are set accordingly to allow a sufficient amount of data to be transferred during a given period. Check out this video for a clearer explanation.

Finally, I would once again like to apologise for not being able to host an event last week. I decided against organising a race and asking another member of staff to run it on my behalf because it would not be fair for me to once again ask somebody to take over in my stead, and I did not have the time to do any testing in preparation for the race anyway.

However, we are back again this week! If you have not done so already then you can sign up for this Friday's race, at Botniaring, here! We look forward to seeing you on track! :geek:
Thanks for the tech tips :thumbsup:
Unfortunately my issue doesn't seem to fit any of these scenarios. It seems to only occur at a certain point during the day / night transition (this appears to be an emerging pattern in any case), where the entire game freezes for a couple of seconds. The gfx, sound and even ffb are completely frozen just for that moment. Framerates etc are absolutely fine otherwise, with a solid 90fps in the Rift. I've already enabled +highprio but no change. I was practicing offline with AI and the same happened again, just once, when dusk was falling. Afterwards it was fine again. I've tried v low gfx settings but still the same.

Must admit I'm now stumped :O_o:
Thanks for the tech tips :thumbsup:
Unfortunately my issue doesn't seem to fit any of these scenarios. It seems to only occur at a certain point during the day / night transition (this appears to be an emerging pattern in any case), where the entire game freezes for a couple of seconds. The gfx, sound and even ffb are completely frozen just for that moment. Framerates etc are absolutely fine otherwise, with a solid 90fps in the Rift. I've already enabled +highprio but no change. I was practicing offline with AI and the same happened again, just once, when dusk was falling. Afterwards it was fine again. I've tried v low gfx settings but still the same.

Must admit I'm now stumped :O_o:
Hmmm, very strange - this does sound like a CPU related issue, but '+highprio' is clearly not enough to help alleviate the problem. When you next do any testing, either offline or online, I recommend opening the in-game CPU/GPU monitor (default key mapping: CTRL + C) and keeping an eye on the purple bar which indicates CPU usage.
Hmmm, very strange - this does sound like a CPU related issue, but '+highprio' is clearly not enough to help alleviate the problem. When you next do any testing, either offline or online, I recommend opening the in-game CPU/GPU monitor (default key mapping: CTRL + C) and keeping an eye on the purple bar which indicates CPU usage.
Top tip, thx will do. I also read somewhere today that alt-tab to specifically highlight rf2 can help. I'll also try open hardware monitor again and use the graph to log CPU usage etc...
I also read somewhere today that alt-tab to specifically highlight rf2 can help.
Yup, always ensure that rFactor 2 is in the foreground. Sometimes it can appear as though it is, but in reality another window actually has the focus. :geek:

I'll also try open hardware monitor again and use the graph to log CPU usage etc...
That sounds like a good idea! :thumbsup:

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