AMS2 Stock Car Omega 99 @ Oulton Park, Tuesday 26th July, 2022

Automobilista 2 Racing Club event
Great racing guys. Something uber quick next week.



Really enjoyed tonight's races. Race 1 went pretty well. These are not the easiest cars to hustle around. Awful understeer.. crap brakes and they handle like a shopping trolley with dodgy wheels . But fun. All was going well and at one point I had moved up to 5th... pretty good for me. But last couple of laps I went from hero to zero as I'm guessing that the tyres were shot.. just couldn't keep the old bus in a straight line. I think I lost 3 or 4 places in a half a lap. Second race was similar. Loads of fun and some great laps with Tim. It was a blast.. but was loosing whatever handling these cars have again towards the end of the race. And when Tim made his move I knew that trying to out brake him or drive around the outside would have ended in tears for both of us... so nice pass mate. But I was of course crying my eyes out when I finally crosed the finish line !!. Hehe.

All in all a good evening. Apologies to whoever I clipped near the end of race 2 . I had spun out again and didn't make the prettiest or rejoins as I thought it was all over by then.

I'm not complaining about these cars... im learning so much racing with you guys, and to do 25mins racing at get to the end is pretty good going in my honest opinion
Had great fun tonight. I really love how this track flows, but bloody hell is it tricky in places with this car!

Just want to apologise to @Paul_V for getting tangled on the first lap of race 2. Looking at the replay we both just slowly drifted towards the middle for some reason (maybe a bit of target fixation?). I should have kept tight against the right up the hill
Had great fun too. Learned to appreciate the way this car drives (dont dare calling it handling). Destroyed the car in race 2. That was oke. I was racing in borrowed time anyway so I stepped out. Looking forward to what you have got planned for next week. Spunds like f1 on Monza but will probably be more creative
It's amazing how "difficult" cars lead to great races. Maybe because you really have to work on it to stay on track and turn good laptimes. Over the years of racing online, I always seem to find out how to drive a car in the race itself, not in practice or qualy. You get in to a rhythm after a while and just get on with it. That's what these club races are all about: trying all sorts of cars, with a change on emphasis week to week, from old to new, slow to fast. So, having said that, next week is time for the F USA Indy cars Gen 3, track to be decided from the list of still unused tracks we have yet to try.
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Agree with you on that. Could not get a handle on these cars at all in free practice before. That being set, the setup changes you mentioned made a big difference to me (better brakig and somewhat less understeer). It did still drive like a boat though :).
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It's amazing how "difficult" cars lead to great races. Maybe because you really have to work on it to stay on track and turn good laptimes. Over the years of racing online, I always seem to find out how to drive a car in the race itself, not in practice or qualy. You get in to a rhythm after a while and just get on with it. That's what these club races are all about: trying all sorts of cars, with a change on emphasis week to week, from old to new, slow to fast. So, having said that, next week is time for the F USA Indy cars Gen 3, track to be decided from the list of still unused tracks we have yet to try.
Daniel, is it worth setting damage to visual only (for open wheelers) as a number of peoples race (me included) were ended last week, any sort of contact in open wheelers means race over. It ruins it for the other racers too if people have to drop out because of damage.
Agree with you on that. Could not get a handle on these cars at all in free practice before. That being set, the setup changes you mentioned made a big difference to me (better brakig and somewhat less understeer). It did still drive like a boat though :).
Wow.. you actually got your car to handle as well as a boat. Please send me that amazing setup if we race these cars again.
Just a couple of things,

I'm also guilty of somewhat learning how to drive cars during the race rather than in practice, whether in private sessions or with the AI. I just seem to be able to settle down and find my lines and braking points during an online race. I'm terrible in qually too as usually I'm not the fastest one on track and tend to yield or move over to allow others who appear to be going much faster than me. Not a problem as until the last few laps in both races I was improving all the time. Think my overall laptimes improved in both races by 6 or 7 seconds a lap over any practice I had done. Online racing with a great bunch like last night is just totally what our hobby is all about.
I am more than happy to share any setups I have, just ask in Discord.
Tim, yes, damage is one of those things where too much is as bad (imo) as too little. People need to treat the races as if you actually own the car and risky moves and rough driving gets punished. Having said that, I did lower the damage to 50% from the previous 100%. It's set to the 2nd standard of "Performance Impacting" rather than "Full" so we will see this week how it goes. I know some of you guys are fairly new to club racing, and one of the skills that you pick up after a while, is the ability to race close and fair without hitting the guy you are racing. It takes a bit of time, but learnig to back off instead of using your practice lines in a race when in close contact, is hopefully one of the rewards of doing these club night races.
I am about to put up next week's race. F USA @ Estoril GP. Huzzar!
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