rF2 *SPECIAL EVENT* Indianapolis 50 - Mon 30th May 2022

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Thanks for organizing @Jimlaad43! It was fun while it lasted, nice racing :thumbsup:
Only rf2 manages to put the safety car behind a wall so it can't get on track :roflmao:
Mate, both those races were some of the most intense 10 laps of my life racing with you, we were incredibly close and I have no idea how we managed to be so side-by-side without contact. A shame we weren't able to do a whole race like that because it was epic!
Sorry to all participants :( It's my fault.

I put the server up with proper safety car rules, special made for IndyCar so as much rules and proceedures as possible would be correct.
I have used it before, but then with NASCAR settings (same plugin etc.) in club racing here, and it worked so perfectly that it felt more correct than actual NASCAR-games.

I just didn't consider the possibility that an official track would have issues with this... I am very sorry for this.

Also sorry that due to work I wasn't able to be there tonight. I could've turned off SC and restarted it all in 5 minutes :(

Sorry yet again!
Mate, both those races were some of the most intense 10 laps of my life racing with you, we were incredibly close and I have no idea how we managed to be so side-by-side without contact. A shame we weren't able to do a whole race like that because it was epic!
Indeed, very close and very fun just how ovals should be. Hope we can repeat that without SC :thumbsup:
Sorry to all participants :( It's my fault.

I put the server up with proper safety car rules, special made for IndyCar so as much rules and proceedures as possible would be correct.
I have used it before, but then with NASCAR settings (same plugin etc.) in club racing here, and it worked so perfectly that it felt more correct than actual NASCAR-games.

I just didn't consider the possibility that an official track would have issues with this... I am very sorry for this.

Also sorry that due to work I wasn't able to be there tonight. I could've turned off SC and restarted it all in 5 minutes :(

Sorry yet again!
No worries, you can't test out everything! At least now we know what doesn't work, thanks for trying to make it authentic
It's kinda funny actually. Man, this game does need a lot of fixing still :roflmao:


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