I've been watching some of these iR*cing vids with the much-lauded new sounds, and I must admit they're pretty good, quite convincing in some cases. Can I ask if anyone knows what exactly they're doing differently? From what I can hear it doesn't sound as if they're doing anything 'revolutionary' - I can hear what sounds like bits of reverb and environmental reflection, but it sounds like they're almost 'canned effects', i.e. they're 'baked' into the sound sample in the same way you bake an AO map onto a model, rather than some sort of live sound simulation. I would guess that they've either re-recorded the cars from trackside mikes as they do fly-bys and then built the soundset out of those, or they've found a way to add these effects onto their existing samples. Is this the case? Not saying it's a bad thing either, as like I said it's quite convincing in places.
Another thing I'd like considered in AC's sound model is the fact that you can hear a racing car from
miles away. For instance, if I'm watching a replay and I'm focussing on my car, I'd still like to be able to hear the other cars going round the track, regardless of whether they're on the other side of the track or not. Another thing that would add atmosphere and immersion.
Aaaaaaand another (
) thing I'd like to see in AC if possible: Different samples from the front and rear (or exhaust if side-exit) of the car. This may have been discussed before, possibly even in this thread, but it's another thing I've never seen done before in a sim. Could you have a sample for the front end or intake of the car and have that 'facing' forward, and another sample for the back 'facing' rearward, and as they pass the camera they would 'blend' in the middle? There are many cars I could quote that would give perfect illustrations of what I'm trying to convey, but for starters go and find some vids of the SLS GT3 on track if you're curious - it sounds
totally different depending on whether it's coming towards you or has just passed you.
Anyway, ramble over. Carry on with your lunchtimes
Oh! One last thing... separate external samples for cars on the pit lane limiter? Anyone who's heard the Vette or the old Panoz LMPs up close as they exit the pitland will know what I'm talking about