Tracks Sorrow County WIP

Also make sure you add some displacement to the fence object to randomize it some. No fence is ever perfect especially after a few years.

To clarify, fenceposts usually lean with age as livestock push up against the top wire and frost heaves occur, so it's not just sideways displacement of posts that make a sim-fence look more true to life.
This is the style of bars I most often see in Oregon & Washington. Note how you can save polygons by not putting a bottom to them or making making them round. Use a little end flange to give them thickness.
This is the style of bars I most often see in Oregon & Washington. Note how you can save polygons by not putting a bottom to them or making making them round. Use a little end flange to give them thickness.

I seem to recall seeing something about meshes having to be fully enclosed to cast shadows
6 Months later..






Excuse my absence! I decided in December throw away what i had and remake everything!! I have made it a bit smaller but more interesting and hopefully more pretty (and less bouncy..) i will also in this new version focus even more on making typical simple boring but fast desert roads, i think if you want sweeping turns in the mountains there's tracks like L.A Canyons that will satisfy you more than enough :thumbsup: For Sorrow you will need a car with lots of power and good top speed and i think all this will be a recipe for lots of fun!

I made a 1 minute clip for you where i let a GT3RS stretch its legs :) There is definitely enough room to do so!

Maybe release soon.. i hope.. :)