The GPUCard from 3rd party vendors often come with this kind of "OC Software". Asrock provides software with 3 different Clockspeeds: Silent, Normal and Gamemode but the last mode is above the advertised clockspeed so when i set that i'm officially OC-ing it. I would suggest you set/leave you're CPU and GPU in default mode and you're Ram on wat the XMP file says and just test you're system by gaming or maybe stresstest even... I do not recommend using any kind of OC Software. OC-ing is a choice you make and a sort of hobby for some people. But if you just want a good game PC with steady performance for you're heavy games for a couple of year's, OC is never a good idea. You already have a good and fast CPU and GPU so stability is wat you seek now i think, so you can run games at a constant higher FPS. The Ryzen 3900x cpu is already optimized by AMD themselfs and has little headroom for OC-ing it.
Only upgradeable part is RAM with XMP filew@ 4000 MHz as the latest Ryzen cpu's can benefit from higher ram clockspeed but that is it
OC-ing always is tempering with the instability and you must at least be prepared!!!
I see, running an i5-8400 with the new RTX I'll just leave it alone. Thanks.