Hi, I tried to install the Skyfall 2017 mod on Mac, but when I replace the Skyfall files with the F1 2013 files, the game crashes before it reaches the home screen. Certain mods seem to work, such as the realistic damage mod and audio mod, but any mod that "replaces" major parts of the game immediately causes the game to crash. Please help??
Thanks for the post Daniel S; I´m sorry that I can not be of much help regards a Mac, but our friend timothyrusli Is currently running this MOD on his Mac. Might be a good idea to see if he can help you.
The only advice I can give you is to check that you download version 1.3 (or latest version) and follow the correct file installation.
There is a very good "How To" Guide created by Graham Laing I hope that it helps you clarify any doubts. Follow this link:
Remember to BACK-UP your game install (The guide will also show you how), and remember to always use a original game install.
Regards, SKYFALL.