SimHub - TV Style Side & Scrolling Leaderboards + Timings SideScreen

Apps SimHub - TV Style Side & Scrolling Leaderboards + Timings SideScreen 6.6.7

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Game is connect
The scroll works
I need the html engine because of rf2 overlays.....
Otherwise how can I transmite with x split?
I have not worked out what breaks the html mode on the side worked for months in html mode but then just stopped..and I have not pinpointed what I changed to kill it.
I will do some digging into it and will hopefully have an answer before the next release (hopefully next weekend).
I found the HTML killer.....
I have spent the last 2 days getting rid of all (I hope) issues that were filling the logs and slowing the system down so we are 'clean' to run as intended.
It took some doing but the HTML killer on the side leaderboard turned out to be a gradient coloured line at the top of the F1 style leaderboard..
I have a few more tweaks to make and I think I will post a release....
GarySwallow updated SimHub - TV Style Scrolling Leaderboards with a new update entry:

HTML Fix/Code Clean Up + NEW 2nd Screen Leaderboard for RF2 ONLY

Side leaderboard now works with HTML again...yay
Lots of tweaks and code optimisation..hopefully you should not get ANY errors or warnings in the Simhub log files now..(let me know if you do)

This one is not intended to be displayed OVER your game screen.
Use a 2nd monitor to display it.
ONLY FOR RF2!!!! - Multi and Spectator mode.
I made this to assist commentators.
Let me know what you think..

Read the rest of this update entry...
So...who has had a play with the new one?
What do you think of it?
Any issues or missing info? the side leaderboard working ok in html mode for you now?

Yes. Works. Thanks
But..... No more flags? Can I adjust for less drivers? Some spaces are without names..

The TV broadcast its amazing. Good job. A great help for rf2 broadcasts
Yes. Works. Thanks
But..... No more flags? Can I adjust for less drivers? Some spaces are without names..

The TV broadcast its amazing. Good job. A great help for rf2 broadcasts
Turn flags on in the plugin options tab inside Simhub.
I must have had them off when I uploaded the options file (it saves the state of the options).
The visible drivers adjust automatically but the height of the leaderboard does not...yet(possible future upgrade).
Turn flags on in the plugin options tab inside Simhub.
I must have had them off when I uploaded the options file (it saves the state of the options).
The visible drivers adjust automatically but the height of the leaderboard does not...yet(possible future upgrade).
The height of leaderboard will be the "next big thing" I hope :)

Sorry Garry my bad I stuffed up all good now........:sleep:
As I installed it on my racing PC I forgot how to setup and had older version running and also old plugins etc.................