sim racing pc build up

I personally would stay away from 3D, but you asked if I would, not if I thought it was a good idea, :)

There are going to be hurdles you will have to overcome. First off, 3D is going to require monitors capable of supporting 120Hz refresh instead of 60Hz. This will theoretically double the amount of information that needs to be sent to the monitors which in turn is going to require some very hefty hardware to be able to get decent frame rates in triple screens.

Of the 3D screens I have looked at, here is an example. Notice that the price for a single screen is very near $600 US.

As I mentioned before, you would need to use nVidia's graphics cards for 3D at the present so your system price would have to increase by quite a bit. Instead of $400 for a pair of cards, you would be looking at around $1100 for a pair of nVidia cards capable of handling the requirements of the 3D. This would increase your system price from just short of $1400 to just short of $2200.

All of that aside, I have heard quite a number of people say they love racing in 3D, but of all of those I talked to, no one was using triple screens.
Well I finally pulled the trigger and ordered my new gaming rig this morning!!:D
It won't be long now and I can say goodbye to consoles for good.
Thanks again for all of your help Jim. I will post up some build pics when she is all complete.
Read this thread through and I must say I am very jealous !! My PC is atrocious hehehe doesn't run minecraft without lag!
Please post some photos as this is a good setup in the making ! :)
The Mothership has landed!!!!!!:D
I could have sworn that the wish list I linked to had an SSD as the main drive. For the OS, Windows 7 home is fine, though you will want to make sure you get the 64bit version, not the 32bit version.
No SSD yet? Well, for a fair amount of money you speed up Windows (Jim is right with Home 64bit) massively.
I wouldn't say it's requiered for gaming, but the value of your system calls for an SSD just to make everything fit perfectly.
So no luck on the SSD locally so I just ordered from new egg..I did manage to get my hands on three Acer 27" monitors.
Sorry about that jim, the SSD was in your original build up I just missed it in the transfer to my cart.:thumbsup:
I have never thought of using a 4th monitor for a rear view mirror. If you can configure it, I am sure it will work, though I have to wonder how fast it will get information with it being a USB monitor. Clearly it won't be anywhere near as quick as something connected directly to the graphics card as the 35ms refresh indicates.

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