Should I buy RF2?

I've been enjoying SCE for the past 6 months and after a slow start and a bit of tweaking I enjoy playing all the reiza content.I play offline. Because of my job I cant commit to a league and even pick up races are impossible to find. Reiza has started with public servers and I manage to show up few times but not many were racing.It's my problem.. Leaving in australia you can only race online with Roos and dingoes :)
I was wondering if maybe buying rf2 would give me more chances to find random races. At the moment its on sale...
I know this isn't rf2 forum but if I asked the same question on that I would get biased answers;)

The Classic content in rf2 is awesome,(the 60s F1 cars and tracks) if it didn't have that I wouldn't
renew my account, but it is there so..:thumbsup:
Project Cars :the weather effects in that game is stunning , I sometimes stop and look at it :geek:
I did a Online league race some weeks ago in BMW M1 where it rained ( I recorded a bit )
My jaws nearly dropped over the rain effects...:O_o:
With any game that is heavy on modding, you have to be aware that you're going to lose many of those "back of the box" features. Are converted mods going to measure the width of painted lines to affect grip? Will cars take advantage of new tyres and advanced aero? Do features like the drying line and marbles work only on ISI tracks? I want to say that only Simbin tracks in GTR2 had realroad working right.

When comparing rF2 and SCE, I can't say SCE is "missing" anything. Its a complete package as purchased for $30 USD. rF2 might do certain things better, but to me the marginal benefit of tyre and aero modeling, but with iffy car content and a blah offline experience, coupled with the higher cost and possible renewal fee tips the scales to SCE in my opinion. Weather? Day/night? rF2 doesn't even do this the best, pCars blows it away, and has better content and better immersion. I wish I liked rF2 more because the current deal on Steam is really good. But in my limited time, I find myself more immersed in DR, PC and SCE.
Short answer: yes, buy it! I bought it for about 17 euro at the steam sale and im really impressed.

AI: the best one ever: fighting and defending the position, but allways fair. Intelligent enough not to crash in traffic after a crash. Actually respecting blue flags. A feature I always missed.

FFB: good on dfgt. A little better than gsce, but not too much. You really have to look for your tires. After a spin or slide, you feel flat spots and actually hate yourself for abusing the tires. But thats a feature that will also come for gsce, so I find both sims equally good at dfgt.

Graphics: The graphics of rf2 are sure good, but I have a quite old system (core 2 quad q6600, nvidea 8800gt, 6 gb ram) which gives me quite nice medium to high graphics in gsce, but crippeling 720p eye cancer action in rf2 :-D. But thats a problem of my system, not of rf2.

And then there are more features like dynamic weather and so on which are simply more advanced than gsce.

All in all: both are great sims and the best of their generations!
@Paul Bennett The screens you requested ;)
For me the only thing I play rf2 over gsc, is the Ai. Everything else there isn't hardly anything in it . Rain races look weird, real road while good isn't a game changer. Ffb I prefer in gsc. There's just more polish to sce but that probably due to the new engine of rf2.

Sometimes I wish there was only one sim so I don't get all osc over these things

But rf2 is still one hell off a sim just wish reiza made it lol. That's probably not fair to say vo
For real... ISI should hire Reiza to polish it on the graphics at least. Whenever I drive rF2 I have fun but man.......... that thing looks more dead than the zombies in TWD
If rF2 kept rF1 graphics with SCE polish would be perfect and my PC would be thankful. Biggest mistake ISI did on rF2 considering they didn't want something like AC or Pcars on this part
I update my advice: rF2 is a must despite the visual disappointment (it does not have to be like AC, just should look alive), most stock content is very nice and you have mods like Ferrari Challenge, and looks like Enduracers is coming soon (VEC is already planing a ELMS league with it).
Still going to stick to SCE for a long time tho. I wish Reiza had licensed the isimotor 2.5, bringing it to DX12 would be mega!
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With all the stuff they will add in GSCE, i don't see lots of difference to rF2's features.

It's not like ISI dropped ISImotor2 and built everything from scratch, right?
They took ISImotor2 and developed further on it, right?
So basically what Reiza is doing right now after licensing the ISImotor2 engine, right?

So beside the "the other kid's lollipop is purple, mine is only orange" i don't really see any disadvantage here.