rF2 Short-Track Sunday - Alpine A110 @ Dijon Prenois - Sun 24 Jan 2021

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
The default setup on this car is terrible - the understeer is unbearable. I have managed to get it a bit more neutral with a mixture of roll bars, tyre pressures and toe, but the car still feels like it is driving underwater. I am six seconds slower than the AI on 96% ability and 74% aggressiveness - they just seem to have the grip to drive inside me at every corner.

I'll give tonight a go, but if I am getting in the way due to slowness, I will knock it on the head so you can race.
Awwwws guys :( You will be missing out on some epic Frenchness :D
I’m still gonna watch via steam remote play from the comfort of my bed :p.
You guys have some great races, I’m gonna join you again soon.
