SHO Competition FFB for GTR2

Misc SHO Competition FFB for GTR2 V13-beta1

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Hello shovas! First off thank you for your immense contribution improving gtr2 and helping all of us out. Your simwiki guide and the ccegp manual are the 2 most important modern instructions available for gtr2 👍
I have a little question though. Back in the day I remembered when realfeel came for rf1 out, the word was it bypasses the games original ffb settings. Is this the case for gtr2 also when using ccegp? Do the settings proposed in the thread still have to be applied?
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@roby13 - there are 2 parts of FFB in GTR2.

- steering force - this one is mixed with GTR2 steering force. If you set FFBMixerRealFeelPercent=100.000000 that means only RFP steering force

- canned effects - collision jolts, friction, damper etc - those are not affected by RFP and are configured via .plr.

BTW, I remember in rF1 RFP produced quite different FFB from the base game. In GTR2 (via CCGEP) FFB is not that different, except for low speed behavior (kF force). Although I know it does something different from the base game because steering values coming out of RFP and GTR2 are different.
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