Those effects are arcade because they are not generated by the car physics through the steering wheel.Shift effect is no more arcade than say an effect that over does under-steer or road feel, so long as you can turn this stuff off then great, no?
No need to contaminate stuff with saying 'arcade' etc etc.
look up the meaning of arcade for a start......
MOD EDIT: name calling is a step to far..Like i say I'll put it down to being lost in translation, Steffano can come across as very prickly and i get that, its his baby, but he also sold his baby on to the highest bidder....
Shift effect is no more arcade than say an effect that over does under-steer or road feel,
Definitely I am not, my suggestion is actually to turn them all off... so just like future-to-be shift effect, it's cool and stuff.. but there is nothing "realistic" about it.
nobody is selling those effects as "realistic" tho... so I don't see where you are trying to go with your line of reasoning.
Definitely I am not, my suggestion is actually to turn them all off... so just like future-to-be shift effect, it's cool and stuff.. but there is nothing "realistic" about it.
If enough people want it and it doesn't cost me that much to code it then why not? But for sure you won't see me going around declaring it is "realistic".
why mention iracing that aint a simulation lmfaoyou do not need that on other simulators, like iRacing for example, and in real life if you lock the front wheel you feel it in the steering wheel.