Share your VR graphic settings

I am very surprised that 3080 can't get to stable 90 fps.

Sorry I mistyped there, not my clearest post. The VR High settings were not allowing 90 fps, but your settings did make it completely playable with 30 AI and mirrors, 90 almost always. Your VR_60 settings are definitely good enough on the 3080 for almost perfectly locked 90. I could probably turn a few things up.
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I found that VR for me and my gtx1080ti is much better since 1.6. Am I the only one?
I did not see too many comments about it.
Better fps but maybe even more important, sharper and cleaner.
From able to enjoy it in VR to this might be now my favorite VR SIM experience.
Anyone else?
  • Deleted member 197115

I found that VR for me and my gtx1080ti is much better since 1.6. Am I the only one?
I did not see too many comments about it.
Better fps but maybe even more important, sharper and cleaner.
From able to enjoy it in VR to this might be now my favorite VR SIM experience.
Anyone else?
I happened to get G2 same day as update went live, so yeah, it looks sharper. :roflmao:
Added G2 preset to settings set.
  • Deleted member 197115

I am happy for you, you had a HP before, IIRC, how much performance impact does the higher G2 resolution had on your system? Not particularly or just on AAC since we just had an optimization update.
It was Odyssey+. Let's see. To run at the same framerate (60) I had to:
- Drop Pixel Density from 200% to 160%
- Post Processing from Mid to Low.

Everything else is the same.
For anyone not knowing how to get ACC running decent.

Pixel density (aka SteamVR SS if you're in the SteamVR menu part, both do the same and are multiplicative) Anti Aliasing and Post Processing are the options you mainly need to hone in. AA MUST be Temporal, and at least on High. This is 10% performance cost, but without you will never have anywhere near sharp image. Post process needs to be put on Low to allow other settings to be raised (mainly Pixel Density). PP costs another 10% GPU usage going from Low to Medium so you have to get used to Low if you want sharpness. Finally, get as much Pixel Density as you can while maintaining the frame rate you want. This will be higher value if you can tolerate reprojection but for sharpest image you need to not use repro. As an added bonus, you can increase the Sharpening setting to top off the image clarity, however, too high and you will begin to see visual noise. I leave mine around 120 after running 300 for a while.

You MUST make sacrifices and trying to run anything on VR Ultra and then complaining "bad game, graphics blurry and not optimised" you're just wasting your time. I've spend DAYS testing ACC and failing to heed the advice is just being stubborn.

Go try it.
It was Odyssey+. Let's see. To run at the same framerate (60) I had to:
- Drop Pixel Density from 200% to 160%
- Post Processing from Mid to Low.

Everything else is the same.

I got my G2 as well this week. Did you have to set Steam VR SS to 50% as well? 100% is more than 3000x3000 pixels and while it looks amazingly sharp is unplayable for me, so put it on 50% to have 2160x2160 and playable framerate.
  • Deleted member 197115

I got my G2 as well this week. Did you have to set Steam VR SS to 50% as well? 100% is more than 3000x3000 pixels and while it looks amazingly sharp is unplayable for me, so put it on 50% to have 2160x2160 and playable framerate.
Yep, 50%, 100 is like 2x native res.
Question for UE4 experts. Resolution setting which is usually recommended at 70% combined with Temporal Upsample, what is it percentage of. Native HMD res, res reported by SteamVR with SS, or something else?
  • Deleted member 197115

Hi Chris,
From my and other users tests, HLOD causing inconsistent framerates while not helping performance.
8 samples could be better for stationary but cause more blurring, ghosting on moving objects esp at low framerates. 4 is actually a default value in ACC.
I put it in engine.ini just for reference as some people might prefer different values.
  • Deleted member 197115

Thanks Andrew,
I got my G2 yesterday having some trouble getting a normal frame rate despite a 2080TI and 3950x.
It's my first VR set, so have a lot to learn. :)
Did you read readme.txt, by default 100% SS for G2 is almost 200% of native, set it to 50%.
  • Deleted member 197115

Interesting, setting "Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames" to "Use the 3D application settings" makes framerate more consistent with median frametime gaining between .5 - .8 ms.
  • Deleted member 197115

Same principle as monitor flip queue, smoother framerate in GPU bound scenarios but increased latency, not like I've noticed any.
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