Sequential shifter not working on some cars

Hey Guys,

So I came across a issue recently a bunch of cars will not work with a Sequential shifter in manual mode, I change it to automatic gearbox and suddenly the shifter is working again .... any idea what is going on there ?

I'm using a G27 + TH8A shifter, and because I have the TH8A mapped I need it to be plugged in to make the G27 work, If I unplug the TH8A my G27 won't work unless I re-map everything.

You can save different wheel setting preset in the steering/ffb menu. I have one set for the h-shifter and another one set for sequential. When I use the sequential preset then any car in the game can be driven with flappy paddles or with the TH8 sequential mode, without using the clutch. :thumbsup: