rF2 S397 GT3 @ Road Atlanta - Fri 19 March 2021

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
@Colin Peach

Apoligies for rear ending you. I didnt wait because in the moment I thought I hit you because you got loose. Looking at the replay I'm not sure, so I've notified Ole about the situation. It wasnt intentional.
From my point of view, it would lack greater respect from drivers.Blue flags are not respected. Drivers with a loss lap don't allow the overtakes. I hope that it will improve in the future.
Good race and congrats for the winner.

It was a bit iffy with blue flags today. But I do think they do show up? @Colin Peach @Steve Le Gallez @Herlev @Ingemar Petersson I know you guys were lapped today, you did get blue flag, right?
but as expected, the track proved too small for too many cars basically.

Not so sure about that. Like I said earlier in the thread, we have done RDLMS, with somewhere between 40 and 43 cars on this track. Granted, that was split on three classes (LMP1, LMP2 & GT), but that was that seasons race with least incidents and retirements. It all comes down to the way people race really. In 99% of the situations the track are fine, but the drivers are the problem.

I know this sounds a bit blunt, and is not directed to you, or anyone in particular. But this is how I look at things, tracks are rarely the problem :)
Not so sure about that. Like I said earlier in the thread, we have done RDLMS, with somewhere between 40 and 43 cars on this track. Granted, that was split on three classes (LMP1, LMP2 & GT), but that was that seasons race with least incidents and retirements. It all comes down to the way people race really. In 99% of the situations the track are fine, but the drivers are the problem.

I know this sounds a bit blunt, and is not directed to you, or anyone in particular. But this is how I look at things, tracks are rarely the problem :)
I kinda agree with you, but multiclass racing is actually much easier to deal with with the speed difference, you wait until a straight and just motor past, whereas in the same class you have to be somewhat aggressive to make an overtake. There was a lot of aggression out there which is perfectly natural in same class races, it was just a bit excessive tonight and I'm not exempt.

Guess I'm just a bit frustrated :(. Oh well, on to the next one :)
Thanks for the racing everyone! Had a good time around road Atlanta. I qualified inside the top 5 in a GT3 race for the first time i think.

At turn 2 first lap, someone got a little anxious up the inside of me and lost control right in front of me. I ended up hitting him with no where to go. Minor aero damage and lost 2 spots back to p6. Stayed inside the top 10. Spun at turn one with about 15 minutes to go. From there, I made some mistakes and dropped back to p9. Couple laps too much fuel, soft tires and the aero damage early on, I just didn't have the pace. No where near my qualy lap time lol. Got lapped on the final lap, damn it!!! Lol

Should have the reply from my external view up hopefully by tonight.

Thanks @Ole Marius Myrvold for hosting!
Great race tonight guys! I had tons of fun there and a so interesting comeback to the top ten in the last part with @Ole Marius Myrvold. Can't wait for the next one guys! Thanks all for the fun

It was a fun ride up through the field. Went from 22nd on the grid to 7th when the race finished. Should've been 6th, but I did my only mistake when I got unfocused after you half-spun!
@Magnus Dahlgren you were faster but made a mistake, were you able to fight back?

Yes... in a way! Got back up to finish the race in P11, I spun a second time in the chicane on the same lap I span in front of you, so I was down to 20th crossing S/F that lap. 16 places man... And the fix was to up TC one step, this race was embarrassing on my part.

@Planizzi @Ole Marius Myrvold et al, regarding blue flags; I got them very late, when P1 came up to lap me I got out of the blue flag zone equally quick as I got flagged in the first place, something like one car length between. Thus I perhaps weren't as lenient as usual(?), I did participate in that RDLMS race mentioned(fond memories btw!) and I drove in the LMP2 class, the LMP1's were particularly courteous that day(and not all were present), which I think contributed to the clean race over all, the GT's were almost always a breeze.
This track can accommodate a large and diverse field, but like Ole said, it's down to the drivers. However this track does have a few points were it is dangerous to spin/or see yellow flags. Blind crests and corners coupled with concrete pinched sections(like a street track) demands a lot from anyone who participates.
I got tangled my self some times due to people not realizing this when reentering, I even saw a driver do an awfully long J-turn right next to me, this done while in driving in reverse for some time before I even caught up. Something I think has to do with the tight nature of the track section, this was after the esses.

Another thing I want to point out is that since driver tags still hasn't been fixed it is really hard to know who's who on track regarding the start, somebody spinning(the name or arrow is always helpful for positioning) and in blue flag situations since rF2 doesn't even have a relative positions display. I can't really learn all the drivers different types of cars when they all share the same number, skin or variation of it, espicially since this changes from race to race. Using the tracker works but it is still hard to judge as the numbers overlap each others, which I still don't understand how they haven't fixed. (have equal nubmers display on top and odd numbers on the bottom?)
I hope I didn't get in people's way with the blue flags. My understanding of blue flags has always been that it is dangerous to simply slow down and pull over and it is best to move aside in a place that does not compromise my pace, but obviously within a reasonable timeframe.

I tooled around at the back and I really enjoyed tonight actually. My fastest lap was a 1:22 which wasn't that far off the pace at the front.

Magnus - I use a simhub overlay to show relative positions as the RF2 HUD is pretty hopeless.

One thing I can't get to work though is driver name labels. Even when I map a button to show labels, they don't appear. Any ideas?
Just to add i didnt think driving standards were to bad, 15 cars within a second of pole is always going to create bunched up racing, a small mistake can send ripples down the pack, then we have cars that are fast in different parts of the track.
Hope you didn't have to go too much off the throttle when I passed you. I just got a much better exit out of the chicane and decided to try a move, knowing it needed us both to be aware of the other car :)

Nah your pass was all good! You had the right to make the move after my mistake and like you said, we both were trying to not hit each other. Another typical gentlemen like racing environment at RD eh

My external view on board below. Again, thanks for the racing to everyone! Starting my new job, and schedule change, so I hope I can get in at least one more GT3 RF2 club race with y'all


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