rF2 S397 GT3 @ Montreal - Fri 24 Jun 2022 *June Cup R5*

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
I did some laps and I'm not very impressed by this rendition of the Montreal track. It feels lifeless and plan like a pancake.
But, will be the same for everyone
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"Content and settings "In the game ?
Content manage.jpg

RDGT3 Montreal.jpg
Subscribed to the track ,also have the M4

"Content and settings "In the game ?
No popup .
If you go to "Content & Settings" and "Manage content" and find the "RDGT3@Montreal" and hover the mouse over it. Do you get a pop-up with some sort of error code or something like that?
No popup

I think the problem is not the game ,or a content miss, have all the GT3 cars and the track
It looks like a config problem.
But anyway
Thx for your help .


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At one point the heat got me so out of it that I forgot to brake for a corner and gave the wall a love tap, but the driving was fun even tough it felt like I wasn't there for more then half the time:)
Thanks all for waiting if it was me that was the reason for the delay!!!

Nice race, surprised by my pace.
But in the end another disco caught me out with 8min to go.
I rejoined to finish the race, but some good points are lost.
Congrats to Michael and the podium, awesome pace!
In practice I couldnt understand why I was so much behind, more than a sec until I started following Michael around and saw why, you really have to attack the curbs and challenge those cuts. Once I figured that out, the pace was back.

Qually was just a matter of getting a time on the board and then continue practicing the lines.

Race was a disaster really. Got squeezed in T2 a bit hard and had to back out to avoid contact (I wouldnt have in a league race), but after that we had similar pace, but no way in hell was I ever going to challenge, except in T1-2 where I may have had a shot later in the race, if it wasnt for the multitude of mistakes and a drive through and called it a night. I was steaming both in my head and from the heat.

About the track; please let this be the last time we use it. The layout, the bump-free track surface, the cut detection and the generally poor graphical presentation is not worthy of having a race on. I'd much rather race a good track more often than race bad tracks once.

But as usual, thanks for organizing Ole :)
Thanks for the host and the race.
Quali was ok, but for some reason my race went awful. Going 3sec slower per lap, loosing 4 places lap 1, unable to catch someone on the straight… I probably messed up somewhere, just don’t know where.
And to finish, my game crashed with like 15mn left :(.

Hopefully next week will be better for me!
In practice I couldnt understand why I was so much behind, more than a sec until I started following Michael around and saw why, you really have to attack the curbs and challenge those cuts. Once I figured that out, the pace was back.

Qually was just a matter of getting a time on the board and then continue practicing the lines.

Race was a disaster really. Got squeezed in T2 a bit hard and had to back out to avoid contact (I wouldnt have in a league race), but after that we had similar pace, but no way in hell was I ever going to challenge, except in T1-2 where I may have had a shot later in the race, if it wasnt for the multitude of mistakes and a drive through and called it a night. I was steaming both in my head and from the heat.

About the track; please let this be the last time we use it. The layout, the bump-free track surface, the cut detection and the generally poor graphical presentation is not worthy of having a race on. I'd much rather race a good track more often than race bad tracks once.

But as usual, thanks for organizing Ole :)
Sorry for the squeeze mate, I didn't leave as much room as I intended to. There actually was contact and the my right rear was kinda stuck onto your font and the car wouldn't turn where I wanted it to go :( Wish I had a triple screen, would probaly make these situations much easier. Jimmy was more on the quiet side tonight as well and didn't feel like helping out much.

You indeed have to attack each and every curb on this track which probably is the most fun part of driving it :roflmao:

Also: Damn you, you prohibited my grand slam by 4 hundreds :mad: ;)

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