I talk with Ilja almost daily in skype have done for a few years now and always help here or there when possible with ideas and bugs or new features that we can add, hes always been really helpful with RSS content as we dont mind adding custom paintshop items and ingame settings and features,RSS, welcome to this millennium and the CSP ;-)
I am really glad that you guys start to use the CSP features now - the options to include new features to the cars are immense and don't stop at lighting, materials and features such as deformed front and rear meshes.
I hope you guys study the CSP discord - there are some very extensive documentations linked from their discord for all the features you could ever wish for.
Pair that with the continuous support of tin top GT cars makes many people very, very happy and sure to buy future RSS content, I know I will!
we already have a massive list of settings on the cars, wipers, hazards, tailpipes, glass, metals, brakes, lights, and so on.