AC RSS GT-M(GT3) @ TT Assen - Sunday 30th July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event


Club Staff
Welcome to the RD Assetto Corsa Racing Club. Next Sunday we're at the TT Assen circuit for some GT action!!

Join us!

This is the place to be for relaxed, friendly racing and our events are open to everybody from rookies to the seasoned pros. You will always find people around your level to battle with, so jump on in!
If you need any help don't hesitate to ask on discord before the race, or right here on the forum! We are always happy to help.

All race department premium members using their full real name in the forum, in game and discord can sign up for this event.

Need a warm-up or want to start online racing at a gentler pace? There is an MX-5 + Abarth event earlier in the week . We also run a practice server all week for all events.


  • Practice Server: #3 (Available throughout the race week)
  • Race server: #3 - Netherlands
  • 20:00 CEST, 19:00 DST, 18:00 UTC | 80 minutes - Official Practice
  • 21:20 CEST, 20:20 DST, 19:20 UTC) | 20 minutes - Qualification
  • 21:40 CEST, 20:40 DST, 19:40 UTC) | 2 x 25 minute - Race
  • 1st race finish determines 2nd race grid. Reverse top 5!!

Cars (Ballast/Restrictor)
  • RSS Mercer V8 (12kg/6%)
  • RSS Bayro 6 V8 (12kg/9%)
  • RSS Lanzo V10(6kg/3%)
  • Purchase here

Event details:
  • Track: TT Assen
  • Pit stop: Optional
  • Track Temps: 20C air/30C track
  • Track Condition: Clear, Light wind, Optimum grip.
  • Damage: 10%
  • Assists: Factory
  • Standing Start: Jump Start = Drive through penalty

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Sign up:

Sign up info
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A message to all Drivers

If you run off track, you must check to see that its clear before you re enter the track. Always try to re-enter the track parallel to the racing line. Stay off the racing line until you are up to race speed and do not block any fast approaching car.

When joining the track from the pits, remain inside the white line and stay off the racing line until you are up to speed.

During qualification, do not race on your out lap, let other drivers by.

Golden Rule
  1. If you hit somebody, sending them off the track and carry on like nothing happened, you take the risk of being banned for 30 days.
  2. Instead, you should always wait for the affected drivers, and that way you can be 100% sure you will not get a ban.
Track limits
  1. No more than 2 wheels over the white/yellow line without a lift of the gas please.
    You will be penalized if you break our rules
Note: Please use your full real name in Discord. Not doing so may result in you being kicked from the server if an admin cannot identify you as a premium
Is there a reason the Beemer has once again be BOPed down?

Judging from the last results the Lanzo is already the fastest car, so why cripple the others even more?

(asking for a friend :cautious:)
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Is there a reason the Beemer has once again be BOPed down?

Judging from the last results the Lanzo is already the fastest car, so why cripple the others even more?

(asking for a friend :cautious:)

Thanks, so like old times DTM?
Not sure, if you have any links I would love a read!

The next race will be number 6, and the last doublesprint, so it will get a bit of a reset afterwards, before returning to the longer races.
Slowest/least BOP car gets returned to 0/0. It will be halved for all other cars or they get the same drop the slow one gets, whichever results in the lower BOP.

Still feels wrong somehow because you punish cars and not Ful..... Friggin Aliens :(


It was a much bigger cluster**** than I remembered, I just thought it was "winners car add wheight, losers car stripp".

But they didn´t get it to work and ditched it.

There is no perfect system but the obvious issue with anything like that, based outside of race results, is sandbagging. Qualy or single lap results don't account for tyre deg, fuel, stability on worn tyres, or more subtle things like how a 911 is tricky to balance as the fuel load burns off.
Generally in AC GT racing that variable will be the MR cars getting twitchy as the back tyres wear and the FR cars going into understeer and loosing a touch of pace that way.
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heyyy guys ! I will race tomorrow ;) enjoyed the last race! Any tips on the setup since you guys are racing for a full session? (i say that i take the lambo)

Hey Manos, I've added you to the password thread. Welcome aboard!

The merc drives really nice out of the box, without touching the setup.
The suspension doesn't seem great on the Lambo. I'm not sure if it is fixable with the setup.
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