To make these cars a bit easier for people who have difficulties controlling 700 HP and 300 kph without TC or ABS (like most of us, lol):
Lower the accel. differential and raise the coast diff.
If during acceleration one wheel starts spinning, the accel. diff decides if that single wheel will spin while the other rear wheel still has grip or if you won't feel the wheel spin until BOTH rear wheels start spinning (and then it's too late).
0%-10% is a good value for the accel. diff! Higher values are faster since you can push the throttle to the edge of both wheels spinning but I honestly can't control this at all...
Coast diff is a bit tricky though. Raising this value will make the car a lot more stable under braking but it might become too stable when just rolling. If you have too much understeer between braking and going back on the throttle:
lower the coast diff!
If you then have difficulties during braking, put the brake bias forward!
Brake bias makes a huuuge difference for the stability under braking!
My setup changes for most of the cars:
- front tyres +1 PSI
- accel./power diff to 5-10%
- brake bias +3 to +8% from default
- adjust coast diff until you don't start to slide while lifting the brakes but also don't have corner entry understeer (within 10% +/- for each car)
- lower front ARB 1 click
- lower rearwing 0-2 clicks
And that was it